The media is ubiquitous in today’s world. Working on a personal, local, national and global level, media is deeply embedded within life and culture. It entertains, teaches, informs, and shapes audiences’ perception of their lives and the worlds in which they live.
Stories in all their forms are at the heart of the media and its relationship with audiences. Through stories narratives are constructed that engage, and are read, by audiences. Representations of ideas, realities and imagination are constructed and deconstructed, remixed and reimagined with ever increasing technological sophistication, ease and speed to engage audiences. Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority VCE Media Study Design
Note: All work is covered by copyright and cannot be used or reproduced by any third parties.
For my Media SAT I created a Photographic Narrative that explored the themes of family and change. My inspiration is from the stories told by my parents and grandparents about their migration story from the Philippines to Melbourne, Australia. The autobiographic genre not only tells the narrative of my grandparents but also allows audiences to view it from their own perspective. Thus, the narrative is open to interpretation, for example through the blank page that can be interpreted as whatever the viewer desires.
My film is a short documentary that focuses on the impact social media has had on teenagers and young adults. I chose this topic because many young adults and teenagers often compare themselves to others on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, as many influencers often only show their life as a highlight reel and do not show that they have bad days as well. I took inspiration from Ava DuVernay who is a producer that has made When They See Us and 13th, which informs audiences about issues happening around the world.
My SAT Production is a personal Zine titled IVF Story. It is a personal account of the struggles and heartache of a couple's IVF journey.
My Zine titled What is it Like When Nobody is Watching, explores the theme of realism and people in their most authentic form. It also looks at how many people within the one setting can lead such different lives.
My film is short horror comedy. I chose this genre so I could make my audience laugh and feel unsafe in the same situation. I decided to combine the two genres to get more emotion out of my audience and to confuse them by making them feel two conflicting ways throughout the film.
My Media/Photography Folio looks at the lives and roles of women from the 1950s and the progression and change of these through time.
For My Media SAT, I created an animation/video game, titled Cold Steel. In my animation you play the game as a prisoner attempting to escape from Alcatraz, and are forced to learn how to survive the gruelling conditions of Alcatraz. However, along the journey you will discover the dark secrets that lie within Alcatraz.
My photography is centered around my interest in skateboarding - from the style, to the stereotypes associated with skaters and skateboarding. It includes the successes and failures of landing tricks and the friendships that skateboarding promotes.
For my Media SAT I created a short travel film. My intention was to promote Victoria, as I found that most people preferred visiting other countries when Victoria had so much to offer. Throughout my folio I explored different photographers and YouTubers and their styles. By doing so I was able to incorporate their style to create my own. I looked at their use of camera and transition through the editing stage.
For my Media SAT entitled The Culprits I created a photography folio originally supposed to be a short film that explored the theme of good vs evil. My inspiration was taken from directors Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino who explore the genres of crime and drama in their films such as in Martin Scorsese’s film Goodfellas and Quentin Tarantino’s film Pulp Fiction. It follows the storyline of four criminals who are taken in to be questioned and interviewed by two detectives for their crimes however they fool the detectives by creating fake stories that sound real and convincing and end up escaping and get away with their crimes.
I created a short documentary that focused on my own disability and what life is like living with it. My intention was to create a piece that would enlighten and inform my audience of the hardships people with Tourette’s and seizure disorders face on a daily basis. I was inspired by other Tourette’s documentaries I had viewed and the stories being told within them, and decided I also wanted my story to be heard, showing the real side of this life.