Weekly Reflection

March 24 is the Feast Day of Oscar Romero, having been canonised by Pope Francis in 2018.

There is much we can learn about Oscar Romero as he was a powerful voice for justice and human rights in El Salvador.

As the Archbishop of San Salvador, he became an advocate for the poor and oppressed during a time of great violence and political turmoil. His assassination in 1980, while celebrating Mass in a small chapel in a cancer hospital, cemented his legacy as a martyr for peace and social justice.

Reflecting on his life, one can see the deep connection between faith and activism.

He did not separate his religious beliefs from his responsibility to fight for the dignity of all people. His famous words, "If they kill me, I will rise again in the Salvadoran people," show his unwavering commitment to justice, even in the face of death.

His story challenges us to consider our own roles in addressing injustice. Are we willing to stand up for the vulnerable, even when it is risky? How do our beliefs shape our actions? Oscar Romero’s life reminds us that true faith calls for courage, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to truth.

With this in mind, we pray:

Terri Curnow

Director of Faith and Mission

From the Principal

Last Friday, we celebrated the beginning of Harmony Week with assemblies at both campuses that included many cultural dances.

It has been wonderful to witness the growth in participation each year, with students displaying increased confidence and pride when presenting their cultural dance. These moments remind us of the significance of cultural expression and its role in fostering harmony and respect within our community.

At St Francis, we take pride in celebrating the diverse cultures that make up our school and the broader Catholic community. One of the most beautiful expressions of this diversity is cultural dance - a powerful way to honour traditions, share stories, and deepen our understanding of one another.

Cultural dance is more than just movement; it is a form of storytelling, a way to express identity, and a bridge between generations. Through dance, our students connect with their heritage, learn about different traditions, and develop a sense of belonging. It also reinforces values that are deeply rooted in our Catholic faith—respect, unity, and the joy of shared experiences.

As Catholics, we are called to embrace and celebrate the richness of all cultures. By incorporating cultural dance into our school events, we encourage inclusivity and appreciation for the many backgrounds that make up our faith family.

I encourage all students to continue to embrace opportunities to participate in cultural dance, whether by learning a new dance, performing at school events, or simply appreciating the artistry and meaning behind each movement.

By doing so, we continue to nurture a school environment that is welcoming, vibrant, and reflective of the Gospel’s call to love and respect one another.

For the full story on Harmony Day and to see more photos click here.

Marlene Jorgensen


Looking Ahead - Melton Campus Students

Dates to remember
Tuesday 25 March

SACCSS Swimming Championships

Thursday 3 April - Friday 4 AprilYear 12 Retreat
Friday 4 April

Last day of Term 1

Monday 21 AprilEaster Monday Public Holiday
Tuesday 22 - Thursday 24 AprilStudent Study at Home days
Friday 25 AprilANZAC Day Public Holiday
Monday 28 AprilStudents return to begin Term 2 

Looking Ahead - Cobblebank Campus Students

Dates to remember
Tuesday 25 March

SACCSS Swimming Championships

Friday 28 MarchYear 7 Immunisations
Friday 4 April

Last day of Term 1

Monday 21 AprilEaster Monday Public Holiday 
Tuesday 22 April - Thursday 24 AprilStudent Study at Home days
Friday 25 AprilANZAC Day Public Holiday

Monday 28 April

Students return to begin Term 2

From the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching


Our Year 7 and 9 students participated in the final NAPLAN tests last week. Thank you to students and their families who ensured laptops were fully charged and ready to go and that wired headphones were brought to tests. I would also like to acknowledge students for being respectful of the testing environment and following all procedures.

Overall, 18 Year 7 classes and 14 Year 9 classes participated in these tests across both campuses.

We thank our team of coordinators: our Director of Learning and Teaching at Cobblebank Campus Lucy Cassar, Middle Years Curriculum Leader at Melton Campus Victoria Kamcev-Nicdao and Year 9 Program Director at Melton Campus Emmanuel Desfosses.

Thank you also to our IT team for troubleshooting IT issues and supporting students without devices and to our Maintenance team for ensuring testing spaces were ready.


Our teachers meet on a regular basis in both Domain Meetings and our Collaborative Curriculum Planning (CCP) time.

These meetings are used to ensure all units, topics and lesson plans are relevant and reflect the learning outcomes required by VCAA.

It also provides time to collaborate, plan and implement new strategies that allow for increased differentiation within the lesson and classroom.

Many teachers also collaborate outside of this team with their peers, whether designing engaging resources or marking against criteria and rubrics.

Interim Reports and Parent Student Teacher Interviews

Your child’s Mid-Semester (Interim) Report will be released on Thursday 3 April. This report contains a snapshot of their progress so far with work habits and summative assessment results.

Parent Student Teacher Interviews will be held on-site at both campuses on Thursday, 1 May, from 3.30pm - 8pm and Tuesday, 6 May from 3.30pm – 7pm.

Bookings can be made via the parent portal PAM from Thursday 3 April and throughout the holidays.

Below are instructions to help you make your booking. The College will provide interpreters for parents and guardians who require them. You will be asked if you need an interpreter when you log in to PAM to book your interview.

How to book your Parent Student Teacher Interview

It is important that students attend these interviews to share in the conversations taking place, reflecting on what they have achieved and the next steps moving forward.

Academic Recall

Many classes are currently undergoing assessment, so it is critical for students to be on-site. In Term 2 we will implement a Year 7-9 Academic Recall for missed assessments.

This will be similar to the current system the College uses for Year 10-12 Academic Recall.

Information and details will be sent to all families regarding the process.

Edrolo - final payments

If you have not made payment for the book-listed Edrolo resource your child requires, the cost will be added to your College account.

If your child is no longer enrolled in the subject or if you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact our accounts department on 8099 6000.

Thank you to the many families who have paid via the Edrolo portal.

Joanne Holmes

Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

No parking in Bulmans Road Bus Lanes – Melton Campus

Melton Council has advised it will install new no-standing and bus zone signs with line markings in the bus lanes outside Melton Campus tomorrow, Wednesday 26 March.

Once the signage is installed, it will be an offence to park in the bus bays or to stop along the road in the slip lane.

Buses have often been unable to enter or exit their designated bays due to congestion.

Parents and guardians are asked to avoid the bus slip lane and use other parking nearby.

Please see the map below for alternative parking areas along Bulmans Road.

Bulmans Road Parking and New No Stop Zone

Parents and Friends Meeting

The next meeting of the Parents and Friends Association will be held tonight, Tuesday 25 March, at the Melton Campus from 7pm.

The meeting will be held in the conference room and new members are always welcome.

Amy Rowley

Director of Community Relations

Celebrating Harmony Day

Melton Campus assembly

Last Friday our school community came together to celebrate Harmony Day, a special occasion that highlights the importance of inclusivity, cultural diversity, and respect for all.

The day was a wonderful reminder of the rich backgrounds and traditions that make up our school and the broader Australian community.

A highlight of the celebrations was our whole-campus assembly, where students and staff showcased the beauty of cultural diversity through music, dance, and inspiring reflections on unity and acceptance. It was heartening to see our students embrace the Everyone Belongs and engage in meaningful conversations about what harmony means in our daily lives.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the event - our dedicated staff, student leaders, performers, and those who worked behind the scenes to make the assembly such a memorable experience. Your efforts helped create a welcoming and enriching environment for all.

As we continue to live out our Franciscan values, let’s carry the spirit of Harmony Day beyond this celebration, fostering kindness, understanding, and respect in everything we do.

Thank you again to all who took part in making this day so special.

Meryem McLeod, Acting Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Melton Campus

Cobblebank Campus assembly

Our Harmony Day assembly last Friday was a uniting experience.

The performances by the cultural dancers and the College Ensemble were beautiful and really opened our eyes to the different cultures we have in our school.

Getting up and speaking in front of the entire campus for the first time was challenging for us as captains but overall it was a great assembly, enjoyed by the entire school.

Xavier, Junior College Captain - Cobblebank Campus

The Harmony Day assembly was great! 

We enjoyed a variety of performances representing different countries, and it was awesome to witness our school unite in support of the students who performed, creating an inclusive atmosphere. 

It was fantastic to see the audience getting into the spirit, clapping and cheering for their peers.

Kanwar, Junior College Captain - Cobblebank Campus

Harmony Day Performance at Wedge Park Primary School

Students were honoured to be invited to perform at Wedge Park Primary School’s Harmony Day assembly last week.

This special event celebrated cultural diversity and unity through music and dance, showcasing performances from various cultural groups, including Polynesia, Assyria, Iraq, and Uganda.

Each group shared a piece of their rich heritage, captivating the audience with vibrant traditional dances and music. The performances highlighted the beauty of multiculturalism and the importance of inclusivity, reflecting the core theme of Harmony Day, Everyone Belongs.

The event was a wonderful opportunity for students to connect, learn from one another, and celebrate the diverse backgrounds that make up our community.

We are grateful for the invitation and look forward to future cultural exchanges within our community.

Kimiora Joyce Pasifika Engagement Project Officer

Student reflections on Harmony Day

Harmony Day is all about celebrating diversity and bringing people together, and being able to express that through dance was an incredible experience.

Performing in front of the whole school takes confidence and can be scary, but with the support of teachers and encouragement from other students, it felt effortless and amazing. Dance makes me feel truly alive, and I’m grateful for the opportunity our school gives us to share different cultures and talents on such a special day.

Saiba, Year 10, Melton Campus

Harmony Day is a highlight of the year, where many students come together to celebrate and embrace our diverse cultural backgrounds. It's a day filled with activities, performances, and shared experiences that promote understanding, respect, and a sense of unity within our school community.

Representing the Filipino culture on Harmony Day through our tinikling dance offered me a unique perspective on unity. It highlighted how dance can bring together people from diverse backgrounds to express themselves through movement.

Dance, in its many forms, becomes a powerful medium for sharing cultural traditions, fostering understanding, and breaking down barriers.

When people of different cultures come together to dance, they celebrate their differences while finding common ground, creating an atmosphere of inclusivity, joy, and connection.

Jacinta, Year 11, Melton Campus

Anthony House students at Melton Campus Celebrate Harmony Day

We are so proud of the students from Anthony House for showcasing their cultural pride and diversity by wearing stunning cultural attire for Harmony Day! It was a beautiful display of unity, celebrating the rich tapestry of backgrounds that make up our community.

Your participation in this special day truly embodied the spirit of inclusivity and respect. Well done, Anthony House – your efforts make us all proud!

Rebecca Toms, Anthony House Leader, Melton Campus

Harmony Week – Melton and Cobblebank Campuses

Harmony Week activities are in full swing at both campuses. Below is the program for both campuses and the special items on the menu at our canteen this week.

Students attend Mass of St Patrick

A group of students and staff from both campuses joined hundreds of their peers at St Patrick’s Cathedral last week to celebrate the annual Mass of St Patrick as part of Catholic Education Week.

This year, Catholic Education Week was celebrated between 16 and 23 March. It is an opportunity for all Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne to celebrate their life, faith and education and recognise the pivotal role they play within their local community.

The Mass of St Patrick for Schools provides the religious centrepiece for the week’s events.

Student representatives from all Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne were invited to join Archbishop Peter Comensoli for a celebration of the Eucharist.

Commencing with Celtic pipers and a procession of school banners, the Mass recognised the charism of the Catholic education community in a ceremony that honoured the commitment to our shared tradition.

Our College was represented by nine students from a range of year levels from both campuses.

Melton Campus Faith and Mission Captain Isabella and Year 7 Cobblebank student Jacob carried in our banner, and all students received a special blessing to recognise the Jubilee Year and the life and work of St Patrick.

The theme for Catholic Education Week 2025 is Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you (Isa 60: 1), and it was this verse that was reflected beautifully throughout the Mass.

Terri Curnow

Director of Faith and Mission

Year 9 Food Studies – Melton Campus

Year 9 students have been learning about nutrition and the importance of starting their day with a nutrient-filled breakfast including carbohydrates, protein and fibre.

As part of their learning, they are exploring the dietary needs unique to adolescents and how these requirements support their energy levels.

For their assessment, students investigated nutrient-dense breakfast options using a variety of ingredients, creating dishes such as oat-based pancakes and wholemeal muffins filled with eggs, turkey bacon, avocado, sautéed spinach, and light shredded cheese (pictured below).

In this unit, students are also learning how to read a Nutritional Information Panel to spot discretionary foods, which the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating recommends consuming only sometimes.

Jessica Attard

Technology Domain Leader

Join us for a Night at the Museum – Year 9 Melton Campus

Families of Year 9 Melton Campus students are invited to join us on Thursday 27 March at the College for a Night at the Museum exhibition.

In Humanities this term, students have created artefacts relating to their studies of World War I. They have explored trench warfare, diseases, significant battles, the Gallipoli campaign, the Western Front and the conscription debate in Australia.

As part of the course, students have made an artefact based on a topic of interest and will showcase these at the exhibition, to be held in the Gadal building from 2pm to 3.45pm.

Please enter the College from Gate 8 on Bulmans Road and you will be escorted to the Gadal building by our student leaders where you can view the exhibition.

We look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be an impressive and educational display by our Year 9 students.

Carissa Lock

Humanities teacher

Year 9 Fibre – Cobblebank Campus

Our Year 9 Fibre students at Cobblebank are working hard to make a product for their recently established comfort clothing labels.

They launched their businesses at the start of the year and have gone from designing their business logo and developing a business card to producing their first product.

Once students have completed their hoodies, they will begin marketing and creating advertisements for their first product.

Natalie Malle


From Catherine House – Cobblebank Campus

As we approach the end of the term, Catherine House students have not faltered in their efforts at school. We recently had NAPLAN for the Year 7s and 9s, and many assessments have been undertaken.

Our efforts have not gone unnoticed. Thanks to the dedication of Catherine House students, we were able to come first in the Swimming Carnival, tying with MacKillop House.

This is a massive improvement considering we came eighth last year!

We also participated in last week's House Rubbish Collection Challenge, gathering more than 100 pieces of rubbish. Thanks to this, we are currently second on the Cobblebank House Leaderboard, just behind MacKillop.

This week, we have Harmony Week and the Year 8 Reflection Days. I hope many Catherine students continue to participate in the activities coming up.

The holidays are coming Catherine! Just one more week of school!


Catherine House Captain, Cobblebank Campus

SACCSS Senior Netball Grand Final – Melton Campus

Last Tuesday, our Melton Campus Senior Netball B team competed in the SACCSS Division 2 Grand Final in Parkville against Thomas Carr College.

Having only lost to Thomas Carr by one point during the season, we knew it would be a tough match. Despite our best efforts, we went down by three points in what was an incredible and highly competitive game.

As team captain, I couldn’t be prouder of how we played together. Even without training throughout the season, we showed up each week, gave it our all, and proved just how strong we are as a team.

A huge thank you to Ms Dawson for coaching us and helping us improve every game. While we may not have taken home the win, making it to the grand final is an achievement in itself.

Congratulations to every player on an amazing season and Chelsea (Year 10) who received the Peer Award.


Senior Netball B Team Captain

Project Compassion – Lam’s Story

As our campaign to raise funds for Project Compassion during Lent continues, read the inspiring story of 27-year-old Lam from Vietnam, who was able to gain qualifications in graphic design and start his own business thanks to the Caritas Australia.

Lam is 27 years old from a small village in rural Vietnam who faced significant challenges due to his short stature. Growing up, Lam often felt isolated due to limited job opportunities and difficulty moving around his community. While his friends started jobs after high school, Lam stayed home with his parents, unsure if he could ever achieve his dream of becoming a graphic designer.

Everything changed when Lam joined the I-SHINE program, supported by Caritas Australia. Through this initiative, Lam completed a six-month course developing his graphic design skills. Along the way, he built confidence, made friends and gained a sense of connection.

Today, Lam runs a successful freelance graphic design business from home, serving clients worldwide and earning a steady income. Lam hopes his story will encourage other young people with disabilities to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.

Watch Lam’s story here

Lam’s journey shows how your support of Project Compassion empowers individuals to break barriers and transform their lives.

Melton Station Carpark Works

Please note below works in and around Melton Station car park from 1 April.

Community Notices

Holy Week and Easter Triduum

Easter Triduum

School holiday activities

Useful Links

Keep updated with College events, procedures, resources and information via the links below.

PAM – Parent Portal


Parent Handbook

SFCC Careers Website






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