Lawrence House

St Lawrence of Brindisi

Feast Day: 21 July

House Colour: Purple

House Leader Melton Campus - Jordan Reithofer

House Leader Cobblebank Campus - Stuart Carter

Mentor Group teachersMelton Campus
Lawrence 1

Alexander Robinson

Lawrence 2

Natalie Saunders

Lawrence 3

Romila Gopalan

Lawrence 4

Imra Banu

Lawrence 5

Damien Foley

Lawrence 6

Ashlee Hughes

Lawrence 7

Joanne Tissera

Mentor Group teachersCobblebank Campus
Lawrence 1Charlee Keating
Lawrence 2Judy Lam
Lawrence 3Peter Commisso

House banner

About St Lawrence

Dr Lawrence (1559-1919) was educated by the conventual Franciscans there and by his uncle at St Mark’s in Venice. 

At 16, he joined the Capuchins at Verona, taking the name Lawrence. He pursued his higher studies in theology, philosophy, The Bible, Greek, Hebrew, and several other languages at the University of Padua.

He was ordained and began to preach with great effect in Northern Italy. He became definitor general of his Order in Rome in 1596, a position he was to hold five times, and was assigned to conversion work with Jews. He was also sent to Germany, with Blessed Benedict of Urbino, to combat Lutheranism. They founded friaries in Prague, Vienna, and Gorizia, which were to develop into the provinces of Bohemia, Austria, and Styria. 

At the request of Emperor Rudolf II, Lawrence helped raise an army among the German rulers to fight against the Turks, who were threatening to conquer all of Hungary. He became its chaplain and was among the leaders in the Battle of Szekesfehevar in 1601. Many attributed the ensuing victory to him. In 1602, he was elected Vicar General of the Capuchins but refused re-election in 1605.

He was sent to Spain by the Emperor to persuade Philip III to join the Catholic League, and while there, founded a Capuchin house in Madrid. He was then sent as papal nuncio to the court of Maximillian of Bavaria. He served as peacemaker in several royal disputes, and in 1618, retired from worldly affairs to the friary at Caserta.

He was recalled at the request of the rulers of Naples to go to Spain to intercede with King Philip for them against the Duke of Osuna, Spanish envoy to Naples and convinced the King to recall the Duke to avert an uprising. The trip in the sweltering heat of summer exhausted him, and he died a few days after his meeting with the King at Lisbon.

House Prayer

Almighty God, for the glory of Your Name and the salvation of souls, You granted upon St Lawrence of Brindisi, the spirits of guidance, strength and courage.

Grant us, in the same Spirit, to know what we are to do, and through his prayers, to do what we have come to know.

May St Lawrence, help us on our journey and teach us humility and patience.

Wonder worker St Lawrence, pray for us.
