Staff testimonials

My favourite part about working at SFCC is the sense of community.

I attended the College as a student and am proud to have returned as a staff member. The transition from student to staff member was easy thanks to the welcoming nature of the staff.

I have felt supported through every step of my teaching career, and I look forward to catching up with my colleagues each day. We all know there can be some harder days than others in teaching, but no matter the challenge, the community always bands together to support one another.

SFCC also provides ample opportunities to grow and develop professionally. From de-escalation training to student support, the school always focuses on improvement and ensuring staff and students feel safe and comfortable in the learning environment.

Having worked at St Francis Catholic College for more than a decade, I am honoured to share the profound impact this college has had on my professional growth as a middle leader.

From the very beginning, I was welcomed into a warm and supportive environment, a testament to the college's genuine commitment to nurturing both students and staff. St Francis Catholic College not only provides a platform for academic excellence but also places a high priority on the continuous development and success of its educators.

One of the most remarkable aspects of working here is the robust support system in place for middle leaders. Through regular opportunities for professional development and mentoring programs, I have been equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in my role.

The school's leadership fosters an environment of collaboration and innovation, encouraging middle leaders like me to think critically and implement effective strategies to support student learning and achievement.

Another enriching aspect of working at the college is the opportunity to engage with a diverse array of students from various socio-economic backgrounds. Our school prides itself on fostering an inclusive environment where every student is valued and supported.

Above all, what sets St Francis Catholic College apart is its sense of community.

My son attends the college because I know he will be provided with a rigorous education in a nurturing and supportive environment. The opportunities provided to him, from participating in sporting events to performing in school productions, have been incredibly rewarding.

Working at SFCC has been an exceptional experience. Here, I'm not just working alongside colleagues; I'm part of a tight-knit community of educators who deeply care about each other and our students. It's a positive and supportive environment where everyone uplifts each other.

I've had the privilege of presenting at workshops and participating in internal and external leadership programs. These opportunities have enhanced my skills and nurtured my growth as a teacher and leader.

SFCC values employee wellbeing, promotes a healthy work-life balance, and celebrates diversity. It's a place where everyone feels appreciated and respected.

I encourage those considering joining our community to embrace our motto, Faith in Action. At SFCC, compassion and dedication are lived experiences that shape personal and professional growth in fulfilling ways.

I highly recommend SFCC to those seeking a supportive and inclusive professional and personal development environment.

It was a very refreshing change commencing work at St Francis Catholic College in 2023.

Previously, much of my classroom attention was directed towards managing student behaviour, but at SFCC, I have been able to focus on strengthening my teaching practices and educating enquiring minds. Students regularly show gratitude at the conclusion of classes.

Staff and students have made my transition to Catholic education extremely enjoyable. This has enabled me to focus on professional learning for my new role as a Learning Diversity Leader and commence the completion of my RE and Catholic Leadership studies.

At SFCC, I genuinely feel the existence of a family environment, where the college's leadership frequently recognises effort through wellbeing activities and staff functions. SFCC is a truly welcoming school and workplace.

Every day at SFCC is dynamic and engaging! As educators, we collaborate to learn and share teaching strategies followed by interactive lessons with the students.

The teamwork here is exceptional which helps facilitate a welcoming environment within which to educate.

SFCC is also very committed to the ongoing professional development of its staff, providing many workshops, seminars and other training opportunities.

The dedicated leadership team at SFCC provides staff with ample opportunities for skill enhancement and knowledge expansion and keeps us updated on best practices in teaching and learning.

The support for professional growth at SFCC has been instrumental in my development as an educator, enabling me to continually improve and innovate in my role.

Working at St Francis Catholic College has been deeply fulfilling, aligning with the mission of the Church and our Franciscan Charism. My role teaching Humanities and Religious Education allows me to impart not just knowledge but also transmit faith.

My favourite part of this role is witnessing the students' growth in understanding and embracing the teachings of Christianity. Each day, I engage students in discussions about morality, belief, and spirituality, enriching their understanding of our Catholic faith.

SFCC has played a pivotal role in my professional development by providing support and opportunities for further study, even sponsoring me to study a Master of Education and Theology at the University of Divinity.

The benefits of working here extend beyond academics. The sense of community and shared purpose, rooted in the mission of the Church, creates a nurturing environment for both students and staff.

To those considering joining SFCC, I advise embracing a holistic approach to education, nurturing not only academic excellence but also spiritual growth and service to others.

Working at St Francis Catholic College has truly been a blessing. What I love most about SFCC is the sense of shared drive and passion to make our school even better each day.

The College has nurtured my career development significantly. As a new member of the Leadership Team, I have received mentoring and upskilling, which has already boosted my skills and confidence. Since my first day, I have felt welcomed and supported.

Additionally, my personal and professional journey with the new Franciscan charism has deepened and been enriched, having returned from a Franciscan pilgrimage to Assisi and Rome. This incredible experience allowed me to delve deeper into the roots of our charism and to consider ways to make this alive and meaningful for our context.

Another bonus is SFCC's location which ensures an easy commute from the city to Melton against peak-hour traffic.

I have been a teacher at SFCC since 2018 and throughout my time here the College has helped foster my skills and supported me in my leadership roles.

The College continues to have a strong sense of community among all members. This results in a very supportive and collaborative teaching team, where we can share ideas and resources across Domains.

The College also provides and supports staff with Professional Learning opportunities to ensure we are continuously building on our skills and knowledge to further enhance our teaching in the classroom.

A key feature of St Francis Catholic College is the sense of community among staff and students. Returning to the College as a staff member following my time as a student has further highlighted this sense of connection and support.

SFCC has grown significantly over the last decade, with many new buildings and facilities, increased student and staff numbers and a second campus. As a Physical Education teacher, the collaboration within this domain combined with the excellent facilities enable highly engaging lessons across all year levels.

I have been supported in my teaching role, but have also had many opportunities for professional growth in positions of leadership. My current role as a House Leader allows me to contribute to the sense of community among students. The vertical house structure is designed to promote interactions and connections among students across all year levels and they receive support from the same mentor teacher and House Leader over many years.

For those considering a role at SFCC, a welcoming staff community and fantastic facilities are just some of the features on offer.