Our House System

In line with our vision statement, the College recognises that all students have individual strengths and require support in different areas of their learning and wellbeing.

When students begin at the College, they join a network of staff and students who will support them on their learning journey.

Pastoral care underpins our wellbeing strategy and ensures that we take a personal interest in every student.

This care begins within a Mentor Group, led by a House Mentor. Mentor groups meet at the beginning of each day and the Pastoral Program is generally delivered by the House Mentor through pastoral care sessions.

House Mentors are usually the first point of contact between home and school if there is a concern about a student’s welfare or progress or to explain a student absence. 

Each Mentor Group belongs to a House that is under the care of a House Leader.

The Wellbeing team also consists of psychologists and wellbeing counsellors who are available to provide professional advice to students.

House system structure

At St Francis Catholic College there are eight Houses.

At the Melton Campus, each House is made up of seven Mentor Groups. These groups have a mix of students from Year 7 to 12.

Every student remains in the same mentor group for the duration of their time at the College. As Year 12 students leave, they will be succeeded by the new intake of Year 7 students. Siblings will be in the same house but not the same mentor group.

Students will remain in their year-level cohort for subject classes, excursions, camps, and reflection days.

Having the same House Mentor and House Leader from Years 7 to 12 ensures students are well-known and nurtured during their time at the College. It also means parents and guardians know who to approach if they need to communicate with the school for any reason.

The house system aligns with the College mission to nurture the personal, spiritual and academic growth of each individual in our community in an atmosphere of faith, care, support and encouragement.

It fosters connections and a greater understanding between year levels and enhances each student’s sense of belonging to the College.