Rights and Responsibilities
The Mission of the College is to nurture the personal, spiritual, social and academic growth of each individual in our community. We believe this will best happen in an atmosphere of faith, care, support and encouragement where individual differences, needs and rights are respected.
Student Rights
- To learn and grow in a challenging learning environment.
- To be treated as individuals with respect and dignity.
- To be part of a supportive and encouraging school community.
- To feel safe and supported at the College.
Staff Rights
- To teach and promote learning.
- To meet individual learning needs and differences.
- To have the support of the College community and administration.
- To be treated as individuals with respect and dignity.
Parent/Guardian Rights
- To be respected and treated as the major influence in a child’s development.
- To expect that their child will be safe at school.
- To be able to express themselves on school issues.
- To have access to school personnel at mutually convenient times.
- To expect that their child will be treated as an individual with respect and dignity.
- To be informed of their child’s academic and social wellbeing.
Student Responsibilities
Students are expected to:
- Recognise the dignity of the individual and be tolerant of those expressing different views.
- Behave in a manner that shows self-respect and respect for others, including all students and staff.
- Behave in a positive manner that contributes to the learning of fellow students, does not disrupt the education of students and enables teachers to teach in an atmosphere of cooperation.
- Take responsibility for their learning and use the resources and teachers of the College to facilitate and support their learning.
- Behave in accordance with the College Wellbeing Policy.
Responsibilities for Personal and College Property
- Students are responsible for their personal belongings.
- Students are responsible for ensuring their locker is locked at all times. They must also ensure all belongings are marked with their name.
- Students are responsible for chaining their bikes to a rack in the bicycle compound.
- Students should behave in a way that respects their property and that of others.
- Students should respect College equipment, lockers, furniture, buildings, gardens and grounds.
- Students are not permitted to deface school property.