
Thank you for considering St Francis Catholic College for your child's secondary education.

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible as waiting lists do exist in many year levels.

You can begin an online application for enrolment below. 

Enrolment Assistance Afternoon

Year 7 2027

St Francis Catholic College is now welcoming enrolments for Year 7 2027 at its Melton and Cobblebank campuses.

Applications can be completed online and should be submitted by Friday 15 August 2025.

All families are required to attend an interview at the College as part of the enrolment process. You will be notified of the interview time in due course after you lodge your application.

The College will notify all families of the result of their application by Friday 17 October 2025.

If you receive an offer, you can confirm your acceptance by completing an enrolment form and returning it to the College with a $100 deposit, which will be deducted from your first term fees in 2027. This deposit is non-refundable.

All forms and the deposit should be returned to the College by Friday 7 November 2025.

You can view our current prospectus here. St Francis Catholic College Prospectus 2025

Year 7 2026

Applications for Year 7 2026 at both campuses were due on 16 August 2024.

You can still apply online, however late applications may result in your child being placed on a waiting list.

All families must attend an interview at the College as part of the enrolment process. You will be notified of the interview time in due course after you lodge your application.

College Tours

Families are encouraged to attend a College tour.

The tours enable you to see our facilities and programs firsthand, meet our staff and speak to our student leaders, who will guide you during your visit.

College tour dates for Term 1 2025 are now available. Click here to register.

Zoning Map

Enrolment Policies

As a Catholic College with faith at our core, it is an expectation that prospective families are committed to the Catholic faith and supportive of the educational aims of the College when accepting an offer of enrolment.

You will find all our enrolment policies here.

Enrolment enquiries

If you have any questions about enrolment at St Francis Catholic College, please contact our Registrar, Kylie Perry, on 8099 6000 or email enrolments@sfcc.vic.edu.au.

Unenrolling - student exit

Students transferring to another secondary school

Parents and guardians of students who are leaving the College and transferring to another secondary school are required to complete and return the St Francis Catholic College Exit Form to the Registrar by emailing enrolments@sfcc.vic.edu.au.

The Exit Form is required by the College and is used for the settlement of family accounts. Parents will be charged fees until the form is received and it is important that the official exit date of the student is included. The form is available below.

Students not transferring to another secondary school

Parents and guardians of students under the age of 17 who are not transferring to another secondary school need to complete and return two forms.

  1. The SFCC Melton Exit Form.
  2. The Victorian Government Transition from School Form. Students under the age of 17 need to seek an exemption to leave school for TAFE, Apprenticeships, Work and Alternative Job Training options (available below).

Families can assist the College by completing sections A,B,C and E of the Transition from School Form. The College will complete Section D and sign Section E of the form.

Once completed and endorsed by the College, the Transition from School Form will be sent back to the family for use in enrolment at TAFE or training. The form may also be required for the employers’ records.

Please note: Students in Year 10 to 12 who are not transferring to another secondary school will be required to attend an interview with the Pathways Coordinator before the Transition from School Form is signed by the Principal.

School reports

Once students are removed from College records, their reports can no longer be accessed via the Parent Portal (PAM). Parents and guardians are advised to print or download and save the reports for future reference.