Mentor Group teachers | Melton Campus |
Dominic 1 | Gary White |
Dominic 2 | Patricia Operana |
Dominic 3 | Madeleen Enriquez |
Dominic 4 | Gurpreet Kaur |
Dominic 5 | Hollie Dawson |
Dominic 6 | Marienel Publico |
Dominic 7 | Laura Powell |
Mentor Group teachers | Cobblebank Campus |
Dominic 1 | Minna Pius |
Dominic 2 | Tania Kremers/Dinesh Venkataiya |
Dominic 3 | Sophie Jewell |
St Dominic (1170-1221) was born in Caleruega, Spain and is the founder of the Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans), a religious order with a universal mission of preaching and a great emphasis on scholarship.
St Dominic was educated concentrating on theology and the arts and was widely acclaimed as an exemplary student by his professors.
In 1191 when a famine left many people unhappy and homeless across Spain, Dominic sold everything he had, including his furniture and clothes, and bought food for the poor. People questioned why he sold his manuscripts which were required for study. He replied, “Would you have me study from these dead skins when people are dying of hunger?”
On two other occasions, Dominic attempted to sell himself into slavery to obtain the freedom of others.
In July 1215, Dominic was granted permission to form his own religious order.
St Dominic is the patron saint of astronomers, the Dominican Republic, and the innocent who are falsely accused of crimes. He is commonly depicted in icons with a dog, or lilies, holding a book. His hair always appears cut with a tonsure.
He was canonized 3 July 1234.
God, you have blessed us with the life and example of St Dominic.
Give us the help we need to live out the virtues seen so wonderfully in St Dominic.
Guide us to appreciate the opportunities granted to us, to respect the people we are surrounded, by and approach others with charity and humility.
Help us Lord to love you with the purity of St Dominic. We ask all this through Jesus and Mary.
St Dominic, pray for us.