Celebrating International Women’s Day at SFCC

International Women’s Day Lunch

On 7 March, Ms Clinton and I had the honour of attending the International Women's Day Luncheon hosted by Melton City Council at Witchmount Estate.

This year, the theme was March Forward highlighting how the work for women around equality and representation is not done yet. We must continue to work towards a better world for future generations.

It was an inspiring day that included speeches by Melton Mayor Cr Steve Abboushi, the Minister for Women and Member for Sydenham, the Hon. Natalie Hutchins, and guest speaker Jade Hameister OAM.

The struggle continues

Ms Hutchins spoke about the struggles facing women in Australia today. She shared alarming statistics, such as how one in three women experience sexual assault, 60% experience gendered violence and only 46% hold leadership roles in the workplace.

We also heard about her work to bring attention to topics that are silenced or considered taboo. Ms Hutchins outlined the State Government's gender equality strategy action plan called Our Equal State and achievements that have been made along the way. For example:

  • sanitary products will now be free and available in over 700 public bathrooms and government schools.
  • nine new sexual and reproductive health hubs have been established
  • $14 billion has been invested to support women who return to work.

Her speech provided great insight, and I was in awe of the success our women in power have achieved.

Guest speaker Jade Hameister OAM shared her experience as the youngest person in history to complete the Polar Hat Trick. This challenging expedition involves skiing to the North and South Poles and crossing the Greenland icecap, all unsupported and unassisted.

She shared details of her great accomplishments and the lessons she learned along the way.

Jade is a beacon of strength, determination and inspiration to those around her.

She described how "bravery is a habit, but fear is too" and how you should always "choose bravery over perfection". She said that without continuous effort and hard work, she would not have been able to achieve her goals.

Overall, the day was filled with women whose triumphs were an inspiration. It was an honour to be part of the community that gathered to celebrate their achievements.

Diana Taylor – College Captain – Melton Campus

Messages of Gratitude on International Women's Day – Cobblebank Campus

Over the last two weeks, Cobblebank Campus students have shown their appreciation to our female staff in celebration of International Women's Day.

Small notes of thanks were gathered to create a wonderful display of gratitude.

Thank you to all involved.

Charlee Keating, Student Leadership Coordinator – Cobblebank Campus

Creating self-portraits in our libraries

SFCC once again encouraged students to participate in a call-to-action project to mark International Women’s Day (IWD).

IWD has been celebrated for more than 100 years, and many of the issues still impact women's advancement. Since 1911, IWD has belonged to all who care about women's equality. The day celebrates women's achievements and raises awareness about discrimination.

This year, library staff at both campuses invited students to come along and create identity self-portraits. They were encouraged to reflect on different facets of their identity and the symbols they could use to reflect their values, interests and beliefs.

The craft activity was well attended at both campuses. Our students and staff created some fantastic self-reflective artworks.

SFCC Library Team

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