Pancakes for Project Compassion

It’s Shrove Tuesday, and our pancake sales at both campuses this morning helped launch our annual campaign to raise funds for Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion.

On behalf of both the Melton and Cobblebank campuses, we would like to sincerely thank our very generous College community for the donation of more than 170 pancake mixes over the past few weeks.

It was busy early this morning with both campuses cooking and serving pancakes to mark the beginning of the Lenten period. Students enjoyed a warm pancake with generous toppings before school and at Big Break.

A very big thank you to the staff who cooked an enormous number of pancakes, our maintenance team and food assistants for all their help, our Social Justice teams for serving the delicious pancakes and all the students who made our first fundraiser for Caritas in 2025 such a success.

A total of $325 was raised at the Melton Campus and $513 at the Cobblebank Campus. Well done to everyone involved!

Our Faith and Mission Team will be running fundraising activities throughout Term 1 so watch this space, Simon Daily Messages and our social media pages for more details about how to get involved.

This Lenten season, we are called to Unite Against Poverty - your generosity will enable Caritas Australia to provide life-changing support to communities facing poverty, food insecurity, lack of education, and water shortages while building resilience against future challenges.

Together, through faith and action, we can bring hope and opportunity to those most in need and answer the Gospels’ call to care for our global family and walk alongside the most vulnerable.

Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas, the Catholic agency for international aid and development, to work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

Trish Griffin and Mitchell Taylor

Social Justice Coordinators

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