Melton Campus Students Attend Youth Forum

Our Melton Campus students participated in the Melton Young Communities annual Youth Forum at Diggers Rest Community Pavilion last week.

They enjoyed rich discussions with their peers on issues that affect them and found the experience rewarding and relatable.

The issues discussed have inspired the students to be more optimistic about finding their voice and influencing positive action for the good of our community.

Year 10 student Erin shared this reflection of the day:

The 2024 Melton Youth Forum was such an amazing experience. We had the opportunity to be with new people to discuss pressing issues affecting teens and youth in Melton.

We started the day brainstorming ideas and chose three topics: youth violence, mental health, and public safety.

We discussed each issue and how it affected us, then came up with ideas on how to fix or change the situation and how we could put these into action.

We spent some of our time playing games and getting to know other people on our table, sharing stories relevant to the topics.

This forum was an enlightening experience. It was moving to see how passionate other teens were about these issues, and it made us optimistic about our future leaders.

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