Pre-Biology Classes in the Lumination Lab – Melton Campus

Our Year 10 Pre-Biology class recently spent a lesson in the new Lumination Lab, using virtual reality headsets to experience the organelles in a cell and complete a frog dissection.

For many students, this was their first experience with virtual reality. Learning how the technology works and navigating the experience was challenging but rewarding.

Here’s what our students thought:

“I loved finding the cell organelles and going into dimensions to learn more about healthy cells and cancer cells. We then explored the structure of the frog organs and how they function. I loved this experience in the Lumination Lab and am looking forward to the next one.” Daniel

“Instead of sitting down and writing notes, Ms Layton took us into the Lumination Lab and showed us the inside of a cell. This made learning Biology even more fun and exciting. Using the headsets, we saw the structure of a cell by going inside and moving around to different areas. There was information that explained what we were looking at. We could also dissect a frog – the lesson showed us where to cut and then explained which organs we were looking at.” Aiden

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