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School Reception: Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm
Phone: (03) 8099 6000
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As our Cobblebank Campus nears completion, we had exciting news this week that all going to plan, students and staff will begin classes at the new site from the start of Term 3.
Our 138 students and 23 staff have spent the first two terms of 2023 at the Melton Campus, and there have been many highlights. They have eagerly taken up the opportunity to be part of the St Francis Catholic College community, participating in whole school assemblies, sporting events and many extra-curricular activities.
While the finishing touches happen at Cobblebank over the coming weeks, I encourage you to visit our website to see how our new campus is shaping up. Click here to see all the photos.
We look forward to enjoying the second half of the year in our new classrooms and learning spaces. In the coming weeks, families will receive more information about accessing the site and what to expect when classes begin.
Deputy Principal - Head of Cobblebank Campus