Indigenous Activist Visits the College

Passionate Indigenous activist Scott Darlow visited the College last Tuesday to speak to our Year 7, 9 and VCAL students about Indigenous culture, Australian history, racial tolerance, and harmony.

During the presentation Scott sang and played the Yidaki (didgeridoo) and guitar and performed on the green at lunchtime.

Scott spoke about FLUTE - Forgiveness, Love, Understanding, Tolerance and Empathy - that he hopes students will embrace and follow to become educated and thoughtful members of their community.

Our senior VCAL class also led Scott on a tour of the school and presented their idea to develop an Indigenous trail.

We thank students Charmaine, Liam and Jessica for organising this event as part of their Personal Development Skills project and Scott for being so generous with his time and sharing his knowledge and positive messages.

Bianca Mifsud

VET Coordinator

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