Science Week Activities

It’s Science Week (15-23 August) and students in all year levels are invited to take part in a range of activities designed to engage our aritsts, writers, creators and of course those who love science.

This year’s theme is Deep Blue: Innovation for the Future of Our Oceans.

Students can participate in as many activities as they like and house points will be awarded for all submissions.

Photography Competition

There are two themes in the Science Week Photography Competition: Science (any photo that represents science, no limitations) and Sustainability (any photo that represents sustainability). Students can enter a maximum of one photo for each category. There are three categories for entries: Year 7 - 9, Year 10 - 12 and Staff.

Environmental Awareness Campaign

Students are invited to create a poster or video (no longer than 1 minute 30 seconds) that highlights an environmental issue relating to our oceans, or a sustainable solution strategy to protect and preserve our oceans and their natural ecosystems. Students should provide tips on what our community can do to reduce the impact we have on our oceans and their biodiversity. There are two categories for entries: Year 7 - 9, and Year 10 - 12.

Creative Writing Challenge

The prompt is: How will our world look in 100 years? Students can choose to write about a world in which environmental issues were managed well, or a world in which they were too much to handle. There is no word limit. There are two categories for entries: Year 7 - 9, and Year 10 - 12.

Sustainability Solution

When fishers target species, they also sometimes catch other species by accident. These non-targeted species are called bycatch and can include fish, sharks, marine mammals, marine reptiles, and sea birds or invertebrates such as crabs and shells. Students are challenged to re-engineer a range of bycatch reduction devices. They can submit blueprints or a model.

If you have any questions or would like to submit an entry, email Entries close on Sunday 23 August and winners will be announced next month.

Elizabeth Piacquadio

STEM Coordinator

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