Cobblebank Year 7 Girls Volleyball Team

We are so proud of the amazing success of the Cobblebank girls’ volleyball team who reached the grand final of their first SACCSS Premier League competition last term.

The team was undefeated in all eight rounds of the competition but was defeated by CRC Caroline Springs 2-1 in the grand final match.

Our girls fought on valiantly to win the last set despite their disappointment and were gracious in defeat. As a coach, it was heartening to witness the personal development and friendships made by the girls during the season. They all had an opportunity to exercise leadership skills as rotating captains.

Well done to all the team and coaches, without whose support the success of the season would not have been possible.

Captain: Kanishka. Players: Ash, Sarah, Charlotte, Mansirat, Cassandra, Sophia, Tanisha, Sienna and Isabella.

Viviana Stangherlin


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