Term 3 - 12 September 2023 St Francis Feast Day - St. Francis Catholic College

St Francis Feast Day

The excitement and fun of the first St Francis Feast Day celebration at the College will long be remembered by students and staff not only for the fabulous events and entertainment but the community spirit that brought us all together.

The day began with a whole school Mass attended by Melton and Cobblebank staff and students followed by a shared morning tea in Mentor Groups.

Melton Campus

Next up were the activities and events run by Mentor Groups. Students could choose from fair games, physical challenges, group activities and quiet activities. There was much to enjoy in the Padua Food Hall where no one went hungry among the huge spread of food on offer.

The day ended with our Talent Show where an appreciative audience filled the stadium to cheer on our student performers and staff, whose act received a rousing reception!

It was a great day and we look forward to seeing the celebrations grow in the years to come!

Here are what some of our students had to say:

“Our first annual St Francis Feast Day was a great success with amazing participation from all our students. A highlight for me was the talent show at the end of the day. Every year new students apply and perform and it shows us just how many talented students we have at the College. This year the house performances were a great example of the bonds built between house leaders and their groups following the transition the College has made to a new house system.” Ashok, College Captain

“Our Feast Day was full of positivity and fun and brought the community and year levels together. After the peaceful Mass, Mentor Groups had morning tea together, which included snacks such as cupcakes, cookies, brownies and drinks. Then the day continued with a range of activities such as photobooth, memory games, bracelet making, gladiator, karaoke, mini golf and carnival games with amazing prizes! We ended the day with a spectacular talent show that included singing, dancing and jokes! Leona, Year 11

“The community atmosphere, the talent show, the teachers getting pied were great” Izzy, Year 10

“It was amazing to see the new Feast Day, especially all the students getting involved in their homeroom stalls.” Alannah, Year 9

Cobblebank Campus

There was no shortage of fun at Cobblebank Campus on Feast Day with students and staff also enthusiastically joining a host of activities on the day including karaoke and dancing, e-games such as Mario Kart, lolly bag sales, a knock-the-cans competition and bean bag toss.

One of the highlights of the day was a whole campus, house chant during which students and staff proudly belted out their house songs, much to the delight of their audience.

Nirasha Pandi

Student Leadership Coordinator

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