Winter Sleepout

Another memorable Winter Sleepout was held on Friday night, with 23 students from Years 9-12 and four staff bravely sleeping on cardboard in Sheehan Stadium at Melton Campus. This experience aimed to raise awareness about the plight of those at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Our Year 10 Hospitality students and their teacher, Margaret Rowe-Watts, provided a Soup Van meal for participants on the night. The menu included two delicious soups, various sandwiches and wraps and a small sweet treat.

Students and staff ate outside, enjoying conversations over a hot cup of soup. We sincerely thank our Hospitality students and staff for the meal that prepared us for the cold evening ahead.

We were fortunate to have several inspirational guests speak to us on the night about the issues faced by people without a home and the services available to them in Melton.

Maureen Mohr from St Vincent de Paul, with whom the College is privileged to have a very close connection, spoke about her role as past president and her many years as a volunteer.

We also welcomed Rebecca Ruffin and Kylie McKinlay, Soup Van Coordinators for the Melton, Western and Melbourne regions. They spoke about the importance of treating each person with dignity regardless of their circumstances. They also provided some alarming statistics about the rise of homelessness and the important role of volunteers.

State Member for Melton, Steve McGhie, joined us for a second year and spoke about the housing issues in Melbourne’s western region and how this impacted families and homelessness.

Steve encouraged our students to join the youth program run by his electoral office and enjoyed speaking to them during dinner to answer the many questions they had for him.

Federal Member for Hawke, Sam Rae, shared how he came to politics, highlighting how the strong support of his family and a quality education led him to where he is today.

One of the highlights of the evening was hearing Anna Takluem’s story. Anna fled Myanmar at a young age with her older sister. They travelled for eight days on a boat to India, eventually making their way to Australia. Their story is one of strength and courage.

Anna had no knowledge of English but taught herself to read using a Bible she had and an English Bible. Using the two books, she translated each word and sentence and eventually learned to read and write English.

Anna’s story was moving and highlighted how, through sheer determination, anyone can achieve their goal.

The common messages throughout each presentation were the importance of volunteers and giving back to our community and how the issue of homelessness can affect anyone at any time. Our guests also reminded us not to stereotype those doing it tough.

As a Franciscan college, we are called to walk in the steps of St Francis and St Clare and stand in solidarity with the marginalised. The students who participated in our sleepout did just that, planning the evening, actively listening to our guests and showing a commitment to making a difference. Our guests commented on their dedication to social justice and empathy for others.

The sleepout also marked the end of our Homelessness Winter Appeal.

We thank all SFCC families from both campuses for digging deep and giving generously. It is truly humbling to see the number of goods brought in during the campaign. These donations will help many people in our local community.

To all those who supported yet another successful appeal, we thank you for your active mission.

Student reflections

The Winter Sleepout involved students and staff braving a cold winter night to sleep in the stadium with nothing but sleeping bags, blankets, and cardboard. However, it wasn’t about going through one night without your phone or bed. It was about the reality that many homeless Australians face every night. It made me realise how lost I was without necessities and how uneasy I was away from home, family and my room. It dawned on me that so many people are less fortunate than I am and live a life not knowing where their next meal is coming from, having a safe place to sleep, or even having the luxury of using hygiene products. This night was an eye-opener. Diana, Deputy Faith and Mission Captain, Year 11

This was my last Winter Sleepout! It was an eye-opening experience, allowing students and staff to understand how homelessness can look different for everyone. Every year, the reflections are beautiful, and this year was no exception. We sat silently with our candles and reflected on the day and how fortunate we are to live peacefully. I am grateful to have participated in this event for the past 5 years. Elesha, College Captain, Year 12

The Winter Sleepout was such an amazing experience. I learned so much about the homelessness crisis and realised the difficulties people face. We heard a beautiful and inspiring story from Anna about her hardships and journey. We played games related to homelessness and learned much about how we can help. Erin, Year 10

I participated in the Winter Sleepout to gain a deeper understanding of what it's like to be homeless. It was eye-opening to experience firsthand how tough it is to be without a home. This experience made me realise how important it is to support and help those who are homeless, and it showed me how much we need to work on solving this issue in our community. Bella, Year 11

I loved the Winter Sleepout. The experience opened my eyes to the harsh realities of homelessness. The guest speakers provided a new perspective, and the night was really enjoyable. Alannah, Year 10

Trish Griffin

Social Justice Coordinator - Melton Campus

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