Empowering our Year 10 and 11 Students

Year 10 and 11 students listened to a powerful presentation by a representative from the Pat Cronin Foundation yesterday.

The goal of the foundation is to “empower young Australians to handle conflict, look after their mates and make wise decisions—so that we can End the Coward Punch, together”.

Presenter Ben outlined Pat Cronin's life and his tragic story – the 19-year-old passed away after being punched in the head while attempting to help a friend.

Ben also shared his experience of violence, having been the victim of a coward's punch that resulted in a brain haemorrhage.

Through both stories, Ben encouraged students to explore the impact the action had not only on the victim, but their friends, families, local communities and the perpetrator.

Our students were actively engaged and asked insightful questions during the presentation.

Wristbands will be sold for $2 to support the foundations' efforts. There is also a BeWise app that provides helpful tips, reminders and facts.

Be Wise. Think carefully. Act kindly.

Jordan Reithofer

Lawrence House Leader

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