Students Enjoy History Month Activities

October has been filled with a range of activities for History Month. Below is a snapshot of the events enjoyed by students and staff.

1000 Steps

Today, a group of students and staff climbed the 1000 Steps Memorial in Bacchus Marsh and enjoyed some spectacular views from the top overlooking the local area.

The memorial and those like it across Victoria, were created to remind us of those who served on the Kokoda Track. The 1000 steps represent the “Golden Staircase”, a name given by Australian soldiers to the 2000 steps cut by the Australian Army Engineers and others into the track between Uberi and Imata Ridge.

Stretcher relay

Last Tuesday students and staff took part in a stretcher relay. Teams carried weighted backpacks on laps around half the soccer pitch before picking up a teammate on a stretcher for their final round.

Although the relay was far from what troops experienced on the battlefield, students quickly realised that good communication, teamwork, strength and stamina were needed to win the race.

A huge thanks to all who came along and the fantastic school spirit shown by the teams.

Mystery boxes

Students had a great time guessing the historical event inside mystery boxes on the green during lunchtime on Monday 17 October.

They used clues to help them uncover the answer and also had a history lesson about the artefacts brought in by our staff.

It was an entertaining way to spend a sunny Spring afternoon at the start of the school week!

ANZAC Bliss Balls and Poppy Making

On Wednesday 12 October, students made delicious ANZAC bliss balls, and poppy-making sessions continued in the library on Thursday. The poppies will be used in a display to acknowledge Remembrance Day and ANZAC Day.

Daniela Harrington

Humanities Domain Leader

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