Weekly Reflection

Lent and (another) Lockdown

After staying at home during last week’s “circuit-breaker”, I was reminded that much of Melbourne was being placed into lockdown a year ago during Lent.

For some, it was an incredibly difficult time, a real test of endurance, a type of modern wilderness we had to endure because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our very human and basic ways of communicating with each other changed overnight. Handshakes, hugs and kisses, were replaced by awkward waves, touching elbows and air kisses from a distance.

Most notably, for much of the latter half of last year, worshipping went online as gatherings at a church in person were not allowed. Our faith community needed to adapt to using modern media and all things Zoom and virtual. 2020 seemed to hold a lengthy Lent!

This Lent allows us to prepare for Christ’s coming more traditionally as restrictions have eased markedly compared to last year. This Lent, we can assess our life and how it meets the model set by Jesus. We are invited to renew our relationship with God daily.

Perhaps this Lent we can shed some of the modern media and its inherent distractions, set aside time to pray each day, attend our churches each weekend and act as models of Jesus in all our interactions with our family, friends, shopkeepers and even strangers.

Feast of the See of St Peter the Apostle

On Sunday (21 February) the Church celebrated the Feast of the See of St Peter the Apostle. This celebration has occurred for 1600 years as a symbol of Christian unity.

A Prayer for Christian Unity

Almighty God,

You built your Church on the rock of Peter’s faith.

Grant that with such a firm foundation we may bring about the fullness of your Kingdom of Peace and Love.

May every Christian Church continue to speak as one in your name and live by the example of Jesus in their work and mission to bring about God’s Kingdom.

We make this prayer for Christian unity in St Peter’s name and through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Shaun Coates

Director of Catholic Identity

From the Principal

Developing meaningful connections between the College community and our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students will continue in 2021 with the appointment of our new Project Officer Indigenous Students, Mrs Daniela Harrington.

As a FIRE Carrier School (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education), we recognise the College’s important role on the journey to a fully reconciled country. We encourage students to explore how they can contribute to achieving Reconciliation in Australia.

Daniela has played a key role in our FIRE Carrier program and will work with staff and students as Project Officer Indigenous Students. Her focus is to ensure our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students achieve their full learning potential, are empowered to shape their future, and supported to embrace their culture and identity.

    Daniela’s work will be guided by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy.

    When developing the National Strategy, education ministers agreed that the following principles should underpin the approach taken by all education systems and providers to achieve the strategy’s vision:

    • Achieve potential: high expectations are held for, and by, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.
    • Equity: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people are able to access the same educational opportunities and achieve the same education outcomes as other Australian.
    • Accountability: education systems and educators are accountable, transparent and responsive.
    • Cultural recognition: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s histories, values, languages and cultures are acknowledged and respected.
    • Relationships: meaningful relationships value community cultural knowledge, wisdom and expertise, and demonstrate trust and respect.
    • Partnerships: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are engaged in decision making, planning, delivery and evaluation of early childhood, schooling and higher education services at local, sector and national levels.
    • Local approaches: educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people are accelerated through local approaches for unique and diverse communities.
    • Quality: policies, practices, programs and partnerships are inclusive of the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people and their families, and are informed by knowledge, evidence and research.

    In 2021 the College will focus on Partnerships, Cultural Recognition and Attendance.

    Follow this link to read the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy.

    STEM grant

    Congratulations to our STEM Coordinator Ms Elizabeth Piacquadio and her team who were successful in their application for a STEM Aviation and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools STEM Innovation Grant.

    The funding will provide professional learning for staff and will be used throughout 2021 to develop STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) initiatives at the College.

    Marlene Jorgensen


    Looking Ahead

    Dates to remember
    Wednesday 24 FebruaryParents and Friends Association meeting
    Monday 1 MarchCollege Swimming and Multisport carnivals
    Wednesday 3 MarchYear 7 Immunisations
    Monday 8 MarchLabour Day Holiday
    Thursday 11 MarchYear 9 Rite Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony (girls)
    Monday 15 MarchYear 7 camps begin

    View the full College Calendar

    From the Deputy Principal Operations Staffing and Strategic Intent

    As we enter Week 4 of the term, the College is close to finalising its staffing needs. With Daniel Kelly’s departure, the College has advertised and completed interviews for a Health and Physical Education teacher, with an appointment expected this week.

    I would like to congratulate Mikaela Hurst, who has accepted the role of Sports Coordinator. Mikaela has worked closely with the Health and Physical Education team for some time now and I am sure she will continue to develop the may sporting activities the College provides for students.

    Several pre-service teachers will this week complete their time at the College. They have all enjoyed their time here and we wish them well with their careers as teachers.

    Michael Wilcock

    Deputy Principal, Operations, Staffing and Strategic Intent

    From the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

    As we return to face-to-face classes, it was good to hear that many of our students managed their flexible and remote learning experience with the same determination and focus as seen in 2020.

    Staff were able to apply flexibility to their classes, having put in place strategies and teaching tailored to online learning throughout last year. Our Teams platform allows learning to continue regardless of whether the classroom environment is on-site or at home.

    Due to the recent lockdown and this week’s Year 8 camp program, some PAT Testing has been rescheduled. We hope to begin the Tutor Program for targeted strategic intervention next week. The College has employed seven tutors to provide support in literacy and numeracy.

    In most cases our tutors are pre-service tutors who will apply their knowledge in current teaching practices. The tutors will be supported by the Literacy Coordinator, Domain Leaders (English and Mathematics) and classroom teachers.

    Joanne Holmes

    Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

    From the Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

    Young people today do not know a world without technology. Mobile phones, other devices and social media are a major part of their lives. Technology enhances their learning experience and, as 2020 showed, made it possible to educate students from their homes.

    A study of teenagers aged between 12 and 17 conducted by the eSafety Commissioner in September 2020 demonstrated that teenagers spend a significant amount of their time online. The study showed that nine out 10 teens are online to do research, chat with friends, watch videos, listen to music, and use at least one social media platform.

    To read more, click on the image below.

    Social media is entertaining, engaging and a form of connection for young people; a way of keeping in touch with their friends.

    However, there can be serious consequences if young people use social media unsupervised and do not follow each platform’s rules and regulations. Young people often underestimate the risks until they are directly affected.

    Cybersafety expert Susan McLean believes parents and guardians should not be afraid of the technology their children are using.

    She encourages parents to acknowledge the positive experiences for their children and create an environment where they can ask questions and discuss concerns.

    Susan’s top 10 tips are:

    1. Remove devices from bedrooms.
    2. Make sure your child follows the rules of the site they are on. Read the terms and conditions of use and ensure they are being followed.
    3. Ensure your child is following the age restrictions on different sites.
    4. Have a family online contract – what are the expectations around safe and responsible technology use?
    5. Know your child’s passcodes and passwords.
    6. Be an active participant in your child’s online world. Play and explore together.
    7. Use filters.
    8. Know what sites, apps and games they are using and use them as well.
    9. Ensure your child is only talking/engaging with people they know in real life.
    10. Know where your child is in the online world, the same as in the real world

    Building Resilience in the Digital World, Susan McLean, 2018

    All too frequently, inappropriate and nasty comments made on social media can hurt and upset those involved.

    Regardless of the comments’ intent, young people need to be aware of their impact on another person. This can be the source of many disagreements that are brought into school.

    As a College community, we need to work together to ensure every individual’s safety and well-being. If your child receives comments that upset or trouble them, please inform their Homeroom teacher immediately and we can work together to reach a positive outcome for everyone.

    To read more about cyberbullying, you can visit Susan McLean’s website CyberSafety Solutions. More resources on cybersafety are also available from the eSafety Commissioner website.

    Cheryl Bullen

    Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing - Melton Campus

    Parents and Friends

    A reminder that the first meeting of the College Parents and Friends Association will be held online via Microsoft Teams tomorrow, Wednesday 24 February, at 7pm and will include a presentation from our new Deputy Principal - Operations, Staffing and Strategic Intent Mr Michael Wilcock.

    To join the next meeting please email kmatthews@sfcc.vic.edu.au. All families are welcome and encouraged to become involved. The meetings are an opportunity to meet other families, hear about what is going on at the College and have a say in new initiatives.

    Kerrie-Ann Matthews

    Director of Community Relations

    Year 9 Rite Journey Underway

    Our annual Rite Journey Calling and Departure Ceremonies for Year 9 students have been scheduled for Thursday 11 March (girls) and Thursday 18 March (boys).

    The Rite Journey is a unique educational program designed to support the development of self-aware, respectful, resilient and resourceful adults.

    It acknowledges an adolescent's transition from dependency to responsibility, from childhood to young adulthood. The Calling and Departure Ceremony is a symbol of this transformation.

    As preparations for the ceremonies begin, Year 9 students are creating talking sticks. Each homeroom will have one stick to be used by students when they wish to speak to the class.

    Carroll Byrne

    Gadal Program Director

    Tips To Help Your Child Succeed In English

    As we all settle into the 2021 academic year, many parents and guardians may be looking for ways to support their children in their studies. Here are some ways to help your child have a great year in English.

    Help your child build an invisible dictionary

    While many students have mastered decoding words and may even read fluently, they may not always understand the meaning of what they are reading. For many students, it is a limited vocabulary that stops them from comprehending what they read. Some writers have called this vocabulary an invisible dictionary that we all carry with us.

    One way to help your child succeed in English is to build their invisible dictionary.

    Support your child with their class reading

    At CRC Melton, students in English read a wide variety of texts. In Year 7, students read from a selection of shorter texts such as short stories, extracts from novels, poetry and newspaper articles. Students in Year 8 to 12 have all been assigned one or more class texts.

    One of the best ways to support your child in their English studies is to read these books with them. This will mean that you can discuss the books and the issues they explore together.

    This year, the books the students have been assigned are:

    Year 8

    The Bone Sparrow - Zana Fraillon

    Year 9

    The Road to Winter - Mark Smith and The Protected - Claire Zorn

    Year 10 

    The Lord of the Flies - William Golding and Macbeth - William Shakespeare

    Year 11 English

    Twelve Angry Men - Reginald Rose, The Hate Race - Maxine Beneba Clarke and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - Mark Haddon

    Year 12 English

    Like a House on Fire - Cate Kennedy, Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe and Ransom - David Malouf

    Year 11 Literature

    Frankenstein - Mary Shelley, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen and The Crucible - Arthur Miller

    Year 12 Literature

    Only the Animals - Ceridwen Dovey, Picnic at Hanging Rock - Joan Lindsay, The Anchoress - Robyn Cadwallader, Twelfth Night - Shakespeare and Ariel - Sylvia Plath

    Encourage a love of reading

    Often, the students who succeed in English are the ones who frequently read for pleasure. However, many students struggle with reading, saying they simply don’t enjoy it.

    As the saying goes, “there is no such thing as a child who hates to read; they are only children who have not found the right book”.

    One of the best ways to encourage your child to read is to let them read about the things they are interested in. Whether it’s graphic novels, cookbooks or romance novels about aliens, the books your child is drawn to might not be to your taste but try not to discourage them. Reading is reading, and we want students to see it as fun.

    If you would like further advice on how to support your child in English, please contact their English teacher. We are here to help!

    Kezi Todd

    English Domain Leader

    Galgani Aspire Program

    The College has introduced a new initiative in 2021 called the Galgani Aspire Program (GAP) to extend our more capable students in Year 10 to 12.

    Seven past students have been employed as tutors to work collaboratively with teachers across various subject areas. They will provide lunchtime sessions and after school workshops for students to further broaden content knowledge and subject-specific skills.

    Our GAP tutors achieved excellence in several subjects in 2019 and 2020.

    If you have any questions about the program, please contact email clock@sfcc.vic.edu.au

    Our 2021 tutors are:
    Carissa Lock

    Senior Years Leader

    Design Your Dream Car

    CRC Melton students have been busy designing their dream car for the Toyota Dream Car contest.

    The competition encourages and inspires creative expression and calls on entrats to challenge the boundaries of traditional thinking.

    It is a chance for tomorrow’s engineers, designers and creative thinkers to let their imaginations run wild by drawing an image of their dream car.

    Three marvellous entries include:

    Year 7 student Firas - Lamborghini

    I chose this car because I like Lamborghinis. It is my dream car that I hope to get when I’m older.”

    Year 8 student Raphael - Concept Car

    “Here is why I chose some of the design features on my car:

    The under-glow is a feature that you will most likely see in video games or in Tokyo. I chose it because it adds that cool look and feel to the car.

    The time machine in the back of the car is for when I want to go back in time. I think it would be cool if I went and spent a week in the distant past.

    I added a rocket booster for when I want to go really fast, like 230 kmph fast. This was inspired by Dom’s Ice Charger from the movie The Fate of the Furious.

    I added a diffuser and spoiler because it looks really cool and adds downforce to the car.

    The last feature I added was a net for a quick escape. This idea was inspired by a NASCAR. The cars have nets so if a big crash was to happen a driver could get out quickly.”

    Year 10 student Charlette Kakoschke - Chevrolet Camaro

    “The reason I chose a Camaro as my dream car is pretty much because I have always loved the Transformers movies and the character Bumblebee, who transforms into a Chevrolet Camaro. So, when I heard about this competition, I instantly knew I was going to draw my favourite version of Bumblebee for my dream car.”

    Students aged up to 15 years who would like to enter the competition can draw or paint a picture of what they imagine their dream car will look like.

    The student who wins first prize will receive a $2500 Visa Gift Card for their school, and another $2500 Visa Gift Card for themselves. There are also eight $275 Visa Gift Cards to be won across the age categories.

    The competition closes at 11.59pm AEDT on Sunday 28 February 2021. Visit https://dreamcarentry.com.au/ to enter.

    Good luck to all of our entrants!

    Elizabeth Piacquadio

    STEM Coordinator

    Elevate Parent Webinars Continue

    Parents and guardians who missed the first in a series of webinars by Elevate Education can now watch it online.

    The webinar titled Motivation and the role of parental praise and goals will be available to view here until tomorrow (Wednesday 24 February).

    Elevate’s presenters can help you learn how to support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

    The next webinar is titled Time management - how to end the battle over homework deadlines, study schedules and prioritisation. If this is an area of conflict for you and your children, you should register for the live event tomorrow (Wednesday 24 February) at 6pm.

    Registration is essential and is free for CRC Melton parents and guardians. It includes a live question and answer session so you can ask the presenter questions directly.

    You can register here for one or all of the free webinars.

    Other webinars in the series will include:

    Wednesday 10 March - Technology devices and self-regulation strategies.

    Wednesday 24 March - Note-taking skills to help your child deepen their revision.

    Student Residential Address Data Collection

    The College has been asked to provide the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment with student residential address and other information required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth).

    The school is required to provide the department with the following information about each student:

    • Names and residential addresses of students’ parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
    • Student residential address (excluding student names)
    • Whether the student is a primary or secondary student (education level)
    • Whether the student is boarding or a day student (boarding status).

    The College generates a unique and unidentifiable record number for each student record. The number is only used by the school for this collection. It is not allowed to be used for any other purpose. The number indicates to the department that each record provided is for one student.

    The information collected will be used to inform school funding calculations.

    More information is available below.

    Collection Notice 2021 Student Residential Address and Other Information

    Community Notices

    Volleyball referees needed

    Western Region Volleyball (WRV) aims to begin a local competition for school-age players on Thursday evenings at Sheehan Stadium.

    WRV already run Volleyschool on Thursday afternoons and evenings.

    General Manager, Michael Dolan, is offering refereeing opportunities to the CRC Melton Community.

    The standard pay rate is $10 per hour for a student and $15 for an adult, depending on duties. A uniform will be provided and applicants need be to qualified or willing to become qualified.

    If you are interested, please contact Michael Dolan at admin@westernregionvolleyball.com.au

    Camps Sports and Excursions Fund

    The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

    If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families.

    The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

    More information and an application form are available below.

    CSEF Information 2021

    CSEF Application Form 2021

    Useful Links

    Keep up to date with College events, procedures, resources and information via the links below.

    PAM – Parent Portal

    Parent Handbook





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