Weekly Reflection

As we celebrate ‘Laudato Si' Week’ and the season of Pentecost, it is a great opportunity to reflect on our key Franciscan values and our commitment to a love for all of creation.

Inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home and guided by the Holy Spirit celebrated at Pentecost, we are reminded of our call to care for our common home and each other.

Laudato Si’, meaning "Praise be to you," is inspired by St Francis of Assisi's ‘The Canticle of the Creatures’ prayer.

Laudato Si encourages a radical change in our approach to ecology and our connection to all of creation. It reminds us that our relationship with the earth is linked to our relationships with each other and God.

Below are some key insights into the text and ways to connect with Laudato Si’ Week at home:

The Cry of the Earth and the Poor: The suffering of the environment and the poor are deeply connected. The most vulnerable communities often experience the worst of any environmental harm. Pope Francis urges us to hear both cries and respond with compassion and action. Next time you walk past a piece of rubbish, consider how it could end up in the waterways of some of the most vulnerable in our world and place it in the bin.

Everything is interconnected: The health of our environment affects all living beings. This holistic approach calls us to see the world through an understanding of integral ecology, where social, economic, and environmental justice are intertwined. You could drive a sense of this in your families by purchasing products from companies that prioritise fair trade and sustainability - check the labels!

Ecological Spirituality: Laudato Si’ inspires a sense of awe and gratitude for the beauty of creation, encouraging us to live sustainably. As faith leaders in your homes, you could consider reducing energy use by switching to LED bulbs, using public transport, or carpooling to reduce carbon emissions, conserving water through mindful usage, and fixing leaks quickly.

As we continue growing in our Franciscan identity, remember that every small action counts. Each step towards caring for our common home is a step towards a more loving world.

On this note, we pray:

Praise be to you, God of Love, for the beauty of creation and the call to care for our common home! Amen.

For more information and actionable steps, visit Laudato Si’ Week 2024 and the Sustainable Living Guide.

Rachel Prince

Director of Faith and Mission

From the Principal

As I drive from the Melton Campus to the Cobblebank Campus each week I am astounded at the speed of growth in the area.

The new suburbs of Harkness, Weir Views, Cobblebank, Strathtulloh, Thornhill Park, Grangefields, Bonnie Brook, Aintree, Fieldstone, Fraser Rise, and Deanside are all developing rapidly.

This growth in population in the northwestern corridor of Melbourne puts increased pressure on enrolments at both our campuses.

In 2025, each campus will host nine streams at Year 7 to cater in part for this increased demand. This will allow the College to take up to 252 Year 7 students at each campus.

This strong demand for places is very positive and indicates that the education offered is valued by our current families and those moving to the area.

High demand also means that many applicants will not be able to gain a place at the College and have been placed on a waiting list.

Enrolments for Year 7 2025 are now closed and enrolments for Year 7 2026 are due by 16 August, less than three months from now.

I remind families that even if their children currently attend the College or one of our Catholic feeder primary schools, they must submit applications by the due date to secure a position in Year 7 2026 at the College.

Applications can be completed on our website.

Employment opportunities

To cater for the increasing number of students, the College is seeking teachers for a range of positions beginning in 2025. An advertisement was placed in The Age last Saturday, and full details are now on our website.

We would appreciate it if you, your family and friends could share these opportunities widely with anyone you know who may be suitably qualified.

Primary-trained teachers and fourth-year pre-service teachers who will graduate in 2025 are encouraged to apply.

Please see our Employment page for details.

School Saving Bonus

On 16 July 1962, 2000 students from the Catholic schools of Goulburn in New South Wales presented for enrolment at the local government school.

The action, known as the “Goulburn Strike" was in protest of the State Government's failure to provide funding to Catholic schools for basics such as toilets for students.

The protest highlighted a fact that remains just as strong today.

If all Catholic school students were to enrol in Government schools, the system would not be able to cope.

The protest was a watershed moment that saw the beginning of a more equitable funding model for Catholic schools. This equitable funding model is not only practical - reducing the burden on all families - but also serves to break down sectarian divisions and avoid an us-and-them mentality.

It is disappointing that the current Victorian Government has decided to provide a $400 School Saving Bonus for every student in a government school. Only students whose parents have a health care card will be eligible to receive this bonus if they are enrolled in a Catholic school.

All families are feeling the cost-of-living pressures, not just those who enrol in government schools.

Families that have selected to include the study of religious education in their children’s education will now miss out on much-needed financial assistance.

St Francis is not a high-fee-paying College. It strives to balance financial responsibility and a minimum burden on families with the increased costs of staffing and building. All of our families should be eligible for the School Saving Bonus.

We encourage you to contact our local State parliamentarian, Steve McGhie, to seek a more equitable distribution of state funds, which all of our families contribute to and should, therefore, be eligible to receive.

Letter templates are available below and can be emailed to Stephen.McGhie@parliament.vic.gov.au

Template email for parents to send to MPs

Template email for broader school community to send to MPs

Marlene Jorgensen


Looking Ahead - Melton Campus Students

Dates to remember
Friday 24 MayStudent Study at Home Day - Staff Professional Learning Day
Thursday 30 MayYear 12 and VCE Unit 3/4 Parent Student Teacher Interviews
Friday 31 MayYear 10 Immunisations 
Wednesday 5 JuneCampus Tour - 9am
Friday 7 JuneYear 7 and 8 Timed Assessment Tasks
Monday 10 JuneKing's Birthday public holiday
Tuesday 11 JuneYear 10 and 11 exams begin
Parents and Friends meeting
Friday 28 JuneFinal day of Term 2 - 2.30pm dismissal

Looking Ahead - Cobblebank Campus Students

Dates to remember
Friday 24 MayStudent Study at Home Day - Staff Professional Learning Day
Wednesday 29 May - Friday 31 MayYear 7 Camp
Wednesday 5 JuneCampus Tour - 2pm
Friday 7 JuneYear 7 and 8 Timed Assessment Tasks
Monday 10 JuneKing's Birthday public holiday
Tuesday 11 JuneParents and Friends meeting
Thursday 13 JuneCampus Tour - 9am
Friday 28 JuneFinal day of Term 2 - 2.30pm dismissal

Change to Front Office Hours – Melton Campus

From this week, the front reception at our Melton Campus will open from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Year 12 Melton Campus Students Explore Careers

Our Year 12 Melton Campus students attended the Victorian Careers Show at the Melbourne Showgrounds last Friday, where they learned about different career options and talked to TAFE and university providers from around Australia.

This will help them with the VTAC preference process and the conclusion of their formal schooling.

Below, Year 12 student David sums up the day.

The Careers Show was a fantastic experience and a helpful opportunity to explore the wide range of potential options after Year 12.

A highlight for me was seeing the options the Australian Defence Force offers through the Australian Defence Force Academy.

We also attended seminars about study materials and what to expect in exams to help us revise and achieve the best results.

The show covered various careers and options, from taking a gap year to information about joining the police force or paramedicine courses and learning professional skills as a disc jockey.

Fun experiences, such as firing up a hot air balloon or trying on the Australian military uniform, were also part of the event.

Ensemble Camp

Our talented and dedicated Melton and Cobblebank students and staff immersed themselves in all things musical last week during the annual Ensemble Camp in the picturesque surrounds of Healesville.

Members of the Melton and Cobblebank vocal ensembles, guitar ensembles, and the new concert band spent three days familiarising themselves with a new repertoire, honing their skills, and embracing the challenge of learning new material.

Students showcased their hard work on the final day by performing for the whole camp.

It was rewarding to see both campuses come together to do something they love. All the students worked hard, which was evident in their performance on the final day.

Well done to everyone involved.

Below is what some of our students had to say.

“Collaborating with the other campus was fun. It felt more enjoyable with a wider range of instruments. I enjoyed the visit to Healesville Sanctuary the most. I really enjoyed this ensemble camp and can't wait for the next one!” James, Year 7, member of Cobblebank Guitar Ensemble and Concert Band

“I love ensemble camp; it is such an amazing experience. It was nice performing more complex harmonies with the Cobblebank campus ensemble. I enjoyed the nighttime activities, especially the trivia because we all worked together and created great memories. The vocal ensemble chose various songs, from Disney to Taylor Swift to an upbeat Gospel song everyone enjoyed. The camp helps us make new friends and share our passion for music.” Alannah, Year 10, member of Melton Vocal Ensemble

Kayla Stokes

Cobblebank Vocal Ensemble Leader

Author visits Melton Campus

Award-winning author Lili Wilkinson visited our Melton Campus recently to run a workshop for students and encourage them to enter the annual Melton City Libraries Short Story Competition.

Lili has published 19 books for young people, including The Erasure Initiative and A Hunger of Thorns. She has a PhD from the University of Melbourne and is a passionate advocate for young-adult fiction and the young people who read it, establishing the Inky Awards at the Centre for Youth Literature at the State Library of Victoria. Her latest book is Deep is the Fen.

Now in its 19th year, the Melton City Libraries Short Story competition is a great opportunity for budding creatives of all ages to showcase their talents and have their work reviewed by popular authors.

The College is grateful for the sponsorship it received to enable it to provide the workshop with Lili.

The students were highly engaged and began creating a short story of their own to enter the competition or perhaps our own Hildegarde Writing Competition later in the year.

Lili’s visit happened to coincide with the Baby Think it Over program at Melton Campus. She was a great sport, kindly “babysitting” while a student participated in the workshop. Lili quipped, “We need a photo of this! I’ve never held a baby while presenting.”

All students are encouraged to consider entering the Melton City Libraries Short Story competition. Click here for more information. Entries close on Friday 12 July.

Drawing for a great cause

Year 9 Melton Campus student Raphael has volunteered to draw caricatures of students and staff during Big Break over the coming weeks to add to our funds raised for the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.

Raphael came up with the creative initiative, pitching the idea to our Faith and Mission team with a caricature of himself.

Anyone who knows Raphael knows that he is a very keen artist. He has a passion for drawing and enjoys putting pen to paper to create interesting caricatures.

Inspired by the team’s recent fundraising efforts, Raphael said he was keen to contribute to the cause through his drawings because “every little bit helps”.

Students should check Simon Daily Messages for where to find Raphael. Each caricature will cost $5, and the proceeds will be donated to the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.

Trish Griffin

Social Justice Coordinator - Melton Campus

Elevate Education Webinar

Elevate Education will host their next parent webinar on exam preparation tomorrow, Wednesday 22 May.

Elevate works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.

By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.

Sign up for the session below to learn how you can help your child get ready for their assessments and walk into the exam room feeling confident and prepared.

How You Can Help Your Child Prepare for Exams

Wednesday 22 May, 6.30-7.30pm (AEST)

Click here to register for free

Below is what Elevate will cover on the night.

  • Prioritise your child’s high-impact work to maximise marks
  • Improve your child’s time management to avoid last-minute preparation
  • Help your child study effectively using past papers

Elevate Education Parent Webinars

Melton Campus Maths Club

Maths Club at Melton Campus offers an engaging environment to further develop your mathematical skills with the help of peers and teachers!

Every Thursday after school from 3pm to 4pm, Maths Club can provide extra help with all your math problems. There is a junior room for years 7 to 9 and a senior room for years 10 to 12. Teachers are available and will cater for your year level.

Maths Club allows you to strengthen your mathematical skills and confidence. A pizza session is offered once a term to celebrate math!

I enjoy Maths Club so much because of the extra assistance I can get outside of the classroom, where teachers are usually less busy and can spend more time with students one-on-one.

Being a part of this has helped me to excel in my math studies over the past two years. It offers a foundation of support to assist all students with whatever they wish to achieve.

To join, or for further information, contact Mr Farrugia jfarrugia@sfcc.vic.edu.au.


Year 12 student

Sports Update

Melton Campus SACCSS Senior AFL – Round 3

TeamResultSFCC Ladder position
Senior AFL BoysEmmanuel College 110 d SFCC 225
Senior AFL GirlsMarymede Catholic College SM 67 d SFCC 05

Melton Campus Year 7 Premier League – Round 3

TeamResultSFCC Ladder position
Girls BasketballEmmanuel College 48 d SFCC 454
Boys VolleyballEmmanuel College 2 d 1 SFCC


Girls VolleyballEmmanuel College 3 d SFCC 08
NetballSFCC 25 d Emmanuel College 172
AFLEmmanuel College 78 d SFCC 534
FootballEmmanuel College 2 d SFCC 0


Cobblebank Campus Year 7 Premier League – Round 3

TeamResultSFCC Ladder position
Boys BasketballThomas Carr College 69 d SFCC 165
Girls BasketballThomas Carr College 41 d SFCC 176
Boys VolleyballSFCC 3 d Thomas Carr College 0


Girls VolleyballSFCC 3 d Thomas Carr College 0


NetballSFCC 20 d Thomas Carr College 9


FootballSFCC 2 d MacKillop College 2



Our Cobblebank Year 7 netball team played a high-intensity game against Thomas Carr College at Eagle Stadium last week and brought home a win. Despite having no bench and coming up against their biggest competition this season, the girls came together and showed great resilience and spirit, all of which contributed to their success.

The team showed great improvement, using tactical gameplays to help them win the match by 11 goals, placing them first on the ladder and in a great position to make finals.  Jess Hodge, Coach


The Cobblebank Year 7 girls’ and boys’ volleyball teams have been training twice a week this season, including Monday after school with coach Michael Hill, and during Big Break every Wednesday.

As of Round 3 both teams are sitting at the top of the Year 7 Division 2 SACCSS Premier League volleyball ladder. Well done to all players and coaches for all their hard work and initiative. Viviana Stangherlin, Coach, Girls’ Volleyball

Jessica Hodge and Sophie Cryan

Sports Assistants

Community Notices

Pasifika Kinder meeting

Goal Mentoring Program

Bounce Back Program

Useful Links

Keep updated with College events, procedures, resources and information via the links below.

PAM – Parent Portal


Parent Handbook

SFCC Careers Website






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