Weekly Reflection

St Francis, like Jesus, is known for his radical approach to hospitality. Franciscan spirituality calls us to live in solidarity with the poor and oppressed. This means advocating for refugees' rights and working to create a more just and compassionate world. This week being National Refugee Week we embody this spirit at St Francis Catholic College by supporting local and global initiatives that assist refugees.

The Holy Family too found refuge in a foreign land, escaping the immediate threat of King Herod. Their experience as strangers in an unfamiliar place vividly illustrates the vulnerability and courage that define the refugee journey.

Refugees The Holy Family by Kelly Latimore

At our College, we seek to build a culture that embraces diversity and welcomes all.

We are guided by the Gospels where the teachings of Jesus Christ call us to love our neighbour as ourselves.

The parable of the Good Samaritan urges us to show mercy and care to those in need, regardless of their background. This Refugee Week, let's reflect on these teachings and consider how we can support those fleeing persecution and seeking safety.

Want to get involved in Refugee Week at home? Consider these activities:

  • Commit to learn more about refugees together as a family by watching one of these educational Refugee Week videos.
  • Write letters of support for refugees and asylum seekers by signing petitions such as the Refugees Off PNG campaign advocating for the immediate evacuation of refugees and asylum seekers from Papua New Guinea to ensure their safety and wellbeing.
  • Looking to get even more involved and make a difference in this space? Become a volunteer with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. Volunteer with ASRC

With a loving heart, we pray:

God of love,

no one is a stranger to you

and no one is ever far from your loving care.

In your kindness watch over refugees and asylum seekers,

those separated from their loved ones, those who are lost,

and those who have been exiled from their homes.

Bring them safely to the place where they long to be,

and help us always to show your kindness to strangers and those in need. Amen.

Rachel Prince

Director of Faith and Mission

From the Principal

Our College tours have been more popular than ever this year, with more than 500 people (adults and children) visiting our Cobblebank or Melton campus to date!

Each time I greet parents, guardians and children at the start of a College tour, I explain that we select our student leaders to undertake the tours.

I firmly believe that our student cohort is one of the greatest assets of the College and that they are well-suited to showcase our strengths as they show prospective parents and students around the facilities.

After each tour, participants are asked to complete a short survey about their experience and how it influenced their opinion of the College, either positively or negatively.

Overwhelmingly, our tours leave participants with a positive impression as you will see from the comments below.

“The students who took the tour were very positive and happy to answer questions. (In) all of the classrooms we visited, the students and teachers were happy to talk to us and the students were all very polite.”

“(The tour) made our son feel comfortable and excited to attend St Francis”.

“From the moment we walked through the gates we felt nothing but positive vibes. We had a warm welcome from the principal and other staff members. The student who took us on the tour did an amazing, outstanding job! She was very confident, friendly and spoke very respectfully.”

“The students were so polite, well-spoken and passionate about the school.”

“Great to finally see the Cobblebank campus in person and future plans after previously only seeing the designs at a Melton tour in 2021.”

“Very impressed with the school and the ongoing expansion with facilities to cater for Year 12 students (Cobblebank Campus)”

“The ability to see children whilst in class and the facilities available on campus was a positive.”

I thank our students for being such fantastic ambassadors for the College, for their commitment to leadership and for the pride with which they speak about the College and their fellow students.

New tour dates have been added for Term 3 and you can register online here.


A reminder to families that if you have a child you would like to enrol for Year 7 2026 at either of our campuses, please ensure you complete your online application by 16 August. Click here to visit our website.

As demand for places is high, applications received after 16 August will be classed as late and may affect your ability to secure a position in Year 7 2026.

In the past two months, we have received 292 applications for a place at the College – most of these were for Year 7 2026 and 2025. We are also receiving calls from people eager to enrol for Year 7 2027!

Meeting the 16 August due date has never been more important. I also encourage you to advise friends and family of the upcoming date to ensure their application is submitted.

Marlene Jorgensen


Looking Ahead - Melton Campus Students

Dates to remember
Wednesday 26 JuneYear 9 Rite Journey Camps begin
Friday 28 JuneFinal day of Term 2 - 2.30pm dismissal
Monday 15 JulyStudent Study at Home Day - Staff Professional Learning Day
Tuesday 16 July

Term 3 classes begin

Friday 19 JulyCollege Production Rock of Ages - 7pm
Book tickets
Saturday 20 JulyCollege Production Rock of Ages - 1pm and 6pm
Book tickets
Monday 22 JulyCampus Tour - 9am
Wednesday 24 JulyYear 8 Camp begins
Thursday 25 JulySubject Selection Expo (for current Year 9, 10 and 11 students)
Padua building, 4pm-7.30pm
Thursday 25 JulyYear 10 2025 Information Evening, PAC, 5.30pm-6.15pm
Thursday 25 JulyYear 11 & 12 Information Evening, PAC, 6.30pm-7.30pm
Monday 12 AugustCampus Tour - 2pm

Looking Ahead - Cobblebank Campus Students

Dates to remember
Friday 28 JuneFinal day of Term 2 - 2.30pm dismissal
Monday 15 JulyStudent Study at Home Day - Staff Professional Learning Day
Tuesday 16 July

Term 3 classes begin

Friday 19 JulyCollege Production Rock of Ages - 7pm
Book tickets
Saturday 20 JulyCollege Production Rock of Ages - 1pm and 6pm
Book tickets
Wednesday 24 JulyYear 8 Camp begins
Thursday 1 AugustCampus Tour - 2pm
Thursday 8 AugustCampus Tour - 9am

From the Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing Melton Campus

It was a privilege to attend the final session of the Western Bulldogs Youth Leadership Program recently.

The students spoke about the growth they had experienced throughout the 10-week course and the impact it had on their leadership aspirations.

It is such a wonderful opportunity for our students to be able to participate in this program and we look forward to working with Western Bulldogs again next year.

This week, Year 10 student Marcus shared a reflection about the program. We wish Marcus and all students who participated the best of luck in their future endeavours.

When I started at St Francis Catholic College this year, a teacher and some of my classmates recommended I attend the Western Bulldogs Youth Leadership Program. It ran during Big Break and the lessons were run by Maggie and Jamal from the Western Bulldogs with Carolyn Howard and Abraham Jongroor from SFCC.

The program covered a range of things like mental health, life outside of school and university, with the help of guest speakers.

In one of the classes, they presented a sports program run by Rookie Me that was held on the school holidays at State Sport Centres in Parkville. It included fitness testing, food and meeting and talking to Western Bulldogs players.

I also went to the Blueprint Skills Camp, a three-day basketball camp held at Eagle Stadium in Werribee and sponsored by the Western Bulldogs Youth Foundation that consisted of fitness testing, training and guest speakers including NBL coaches and managers associated with high-level basketball.

One of the coaches from Melbourne United was kind enough to invite me to a Melbourne United Camp to try out for a place in their development program or performance program.

I attended the tryouts and was invited to the performance program which was held at State Sport Centres in Parkville.

I highly recommend being part of the Youth Leadership Program. I have learned a lot and it was great to be invited to high-level programs like the Melbourne United Camp tryout. Marcus, Year 10, Melton Campus

Keeping young people safe online

Technology is a double-edged sword. At school, it can enhance educational learning experiences and provide opportunities for students to develop a deeper understanding of lesson content.

However, the speed of progress of artificial intelligence (AI), raises concerns about ethical use and how we can keep up with the pace of its implementation, especially with its use against our young people.

Clear guidelines and policies must be established by the authorities to protect our young people. We need safety protocols to create effective learning environments that inspire students without compromising their wellbeing.

We educate our students about keeping safe online through our curriculum.

However, we need to work together to ensure they know who they can talk to if they have questions or to discuss online behaviour they may find challenging or confronting.

The eSafety Commissioner has developed a fact sheet to guide families to protect their children if they are exposed to inappropriate online behaviour. It recognises that many young people view content that they are not ready for developmentally.

Among the key facts are:

  • If the content is illegal or needs to have restricted access for people who are 18 or older you can report it to eSafety.
  • The eSafety Guide includes information on features of apps that increase exposure to inappropriate content.
  • All students need to be taught specific technical, personal and social skills to help them minimise their exposure to inappropriate content.

You can read the full fact sheet below.

E Safety Commissioner Inappropriate Content Factsheet

Cheryl Bullen

Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing - Melton Campus

From the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

Congratulations to the Year 7 and 8 students who completed their Timed Assessment Task (TAT) last Friday. The students responded well to the requirements of the session.

This experience allows our students to become familiar with the exam process and helps reduce anxiety as they progress to their senior years and externally organised VCAA exams at the end of Year 12.

Our Year 10 and 11 students are completing their exams and are also to be commended for the way they are navigating the requirements of this two-week period. Our Year 12 and some Year 11 students completed the General Achievement Test (GAT) today.

Lumination Lab - Melton Campus

Last week, our Lumination Lab champions continued their onboarding with Lumination Education Officer Jolanta Stephens.

The group of dedicated teachers are researching opportunities to incorporate Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Handheld Virtual Reality (HHVR) experiences into the curriculum.

This system and tool are a way to enhance learning experiences and develop skills. It does not replace the curriculum that continues in our regular classrooms. The VCE VM and Pre-Biology classes have experienced VR in our lab and the consensus is that it increases engagement and understanding of concepts.

Applications of VR are possible across all Domains and students will see it embedded across the curriculum over the next few years.

Joanne Holmes

Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

College Production Tickets

Tickets are now on sale for our 2024 College production Rock of Ages: Teen Edition. Don't miss this epic musical extravaganza! 

Click here to get your tickets now.

Show dates and ticket information

Performing Arts Centre – Melton Campus

Friday 19 July – 7pm

Saturday 20 July - 1pm and 6pm

Tickets: Adults $20, students/children $10

Amy Bandeira

Head of Performance

Bus parking lanes – Melton Campus

New bus parking lanes on Bulmans Road at the College have created a safer and more efficient pick-up and drop-off area for students who use public transport to access Melton Campus.

We remind you that this dedicated bus lane should not be used by cars during the peak pick-up and drop-off times before and after school. Buses need unobstructed access to the area, and the increasing number of vehicles entering and stopping illegally has raised significant safety concerns.

If you drive your child to and from school, please use the following areas along Bulmans Road for drop-off and pick-up:

  • the carpark at Arthur Westlake Reserve (next to St Catherine of Siena Primary School)
  • parking on the opposite side of the road to the College. Students can then cross safely at the pedestrian crossing directly outside our main entrance at Gate 8.

Your child’s safety is our priority, and we greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please remember to take extra care when travelling along Bulmans Road and surrounding streets as road and building works continue.

Michael Wilcock

Deputy Principal, Operations, Staffing and Strategic Intent

Sketching To Help Save Lives

It’s been a busy couple of weeks for Year 9 Lawrence student Raphael who spent lunchtimes drawing caricatures of students and staff and raised an incredible $320 for the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.

Everyone enjoyed watching Raph create magic with his fluid use of line, shading and a big smile. He finished off his great initiative by drawing our Principal, Marlene Jorgensen.

Raph’s initiative was a creative and ingenious way to raise money for this important cause and brought much joy to all.

He would like to thank all those who helped him to achieve his goal through his drawing.

And well done Raph! You are an absolute superstar, and we thank you for sharing your talents with so many. They all enjoyed seeing themselves in a new light.

Did you know…

Brain cancer costs more per person than any other cancer because it is highly debilitating.

Yet brain cancer research receives only a fraction of cancer research funding.

Trish Griffin

Social Justice Coordinator - Melton Campus

Reconciliation Week – Cobblebank Campus

Our Cobblebank Campus students enthusiastically supported Reconciliation Week activities this year.

Lunchtimes were busy with students making Lemon Myrtle Bliss Balls, playing traditional Indigenous games and walking more than 70km around their campus as part of the Long Walk event.

In total, students and staff across both campuses walked more than 200km in less than an hour, commemorating Michael Long’s 650km trek from Melbourne to Parliament House in Canberra 20 years ago. It was a powerful display of the collective commitment to Reconciliation by our College community.

Elite Sports Academy Fitness Testing

Our Year 10 and 11 Elite Sports Academy students were recently put through their paces during five different fitness tests by our elite testing partner Pioda Health and Performance.

Students tested their speed, power, agility, muscular endurance and aerobic fitness then compared their results to tests completed in February to see first-hand how their training habits impact performance.

Based on their individual results, students will now work to address any areas for improvement and celebrate the hard work they’ve put in across Semester 1.

Pioda will return in Terms 3 and 4 to provide testing for our new Year 9 cohort and re-test our senior students.

Jacob Scott

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Federation University Camp for Indigenous Students

The Federation University Aboriginal Education Centre invites Year 9, 10 and 11 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from the College to participate in its Werna Ngalu Wannik (We Walk Together camp).

Students will participate in university life, try TAFE and connect with mob/community Victoria-wide. They will stay at Gippsland Campus Student Residential Services and there will be no cost for accommodation, transport or meals.

Students who would like to attend should email me at ibanu@sfcc.vic.edu.au before Tuesday 25 June.

Federation University Camp 2024

Imra Banu

Project Officer, Indigenous Program

Jiu Jitsu Champion Brings Home Gold

Our very own Jiu Jitsu champion, Year 9 student Renzo, won gold in the orange belt 60kg division at the Marianas Pro Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championships in Japan last month.

In May, Renzo also travelled to Bali for a week where he completed intensive training for up to five hours a day. He is currently training six days a week to prepare for the upcoming Pan World Championships which will be held in Orlando USA in August.

We wish Renzo the best of luck with his training and a safe and successful trip to the US!

Chess Club – Cobblebank Campus

A new Chess Club is in full swing at Cobblebank Campus

Every Wednesday, students gather in the Collaboration Space to test their skills and play against each other.

There is a great atmosphere, and students also have their eye on a bigger prize – a win at the SACCSS Chess Tournament next term!

Sophie-Kieu Jewell


Melton Sports Update

After seven rounds of games by our Year 7 Premier League teams we would like to congratulate all students on their amazing efforts this year and for showing great resilience and determination in Division 1.

Congratulations to the following teams who have made the semifinals, which will be played this week.

Division 1 – Melton Campus

Girls’ Netball – 2nd on the ladder

Girls’ Basketball- 4th on the ladder

Boys’ Volleyball – 3rd on the ladder

SACCSS Year 7 Premier League Competition - Round 6 results

TeamResultSFCC Ladder position
Boys BasketballMarymede Catholic College 45 d SFCC 425
Girls BasketballMarymede Catholic College 53 d SFCC 21


Boys VolleyballMarymede Catholic College 3 d SFCC 0


Girls VolleyballMarymede Catholic College 2 d SFCC 1


NetballSFCC 19 d Marymede Catholic College 9


AFLMarymede Catholic College 105 d SFCC 30


FootballMarymede Catholic College 10 d SFCC 0


SACCSS Year 7 Premier League Competition - Round 7 results

TeamResultSFCC Ladder position
Boys BasketballSalesian College 47 d SFCC 45


Girls BasketballSFCC 40 d Salesian College 334
Boys VolleyballSFCC 2 d Salesian College 1


Girls VolleyballSalesian College 2 d SFCC 1


NetballSalesian College 29 d SFCC 22


AFLSalesian College 136 d SFCC 14


FootballSalesian College 9 d SFCC 0


Girls’ basketball

In the final round of the season, our Year 7 girls had a hard-fought win to secure a spot in the finals.

Their teamwork and skills have improved so much during the and their support and encouragement towards each other throughout each game has earned them a finals position. We wish them the best of luck this week and are so proud of what they have achieved in Division 1. Lauren, Year 10, Girls Basketball Coach

Jessica Hodge and Sophie Cryan

Sports Assistants

Cobblebank Sports Update

After seven rounds of games by our Year 7 Premier League teams we would like to congratulate all students on their amazing efforts this year and for showing great resilience and determination in Division 2.

Congratulations to the following teams who have made the semifinals, which will be played this week.

Division 2 – Cobblebank Campus

Netball - 1st on the ladder

Girls’ Volleyball - 1st on the ladder

Boys’ Volleyball - 1st on the ladder

Girls’ Basketball - 1st on the ladder

AFL – 3rd on ladder

Football – 2nd on ladder

SACCSS Year 7 Premier League Competition - Round 6 results

TeamResultSFCC Ladder position
Boys BasketballCaroline Chisholm Catholic College 35 d SFCC 345
Girls BasketballSFCC 7 d Caroline Chisholm Catholic College 395
Boys VolleyballSFCC 1 d Penola Catholic College 21
Girls VolleyballSFCC 3 d Penola Catholic College 01
NetballSFCC 31 d Caroline Chisholm Catholic College 81
AFLCaroline Chisholm Catholic College 27 d SFCC 233
FootballCaroline Chisholm Catholic College 5 d SFCC 12

SACCSS Year 7 Premier League Competition - Round 7 results

TeamResultSFCC Ladder position
Boys BasketballCRC St Albans 46 d SFCC 445
Girls BasketballSFCC 32 d CRC St Albans 104
Boys VolleyballSFCC 2 d CRC St Albans 11
Girls VolleyballSFCC 2 d CRC St Albans 11
NetballSFCC 43 d CRC St Albans 11
FootballCRC St Albans 2 d SFCC 1



Our netball team played Caroline Chisholm College in Braybrook in Round 6. Despite the high-intensity game against our biggest competition yet, the girls came together, and showed great resilience and spirit, which helped them secure the win. Last week in Round 7 they defeated CRC St Albans 43-1, earning themselves a place in the finals which start this week.

The girls have improved so much since Round 1, training consistently and using tactical gameplays. Their dedication and hard work throughout the season have been truly commendable. Well done to the team for their fantastic efforts and finishing first on the ladder. Bring on finals! Jess Hodge, Netball Coach


The Girls' and Boys' volleyball teams have shown great consistency and determination throughout the season, training twice a week on Mondays after school with coach and former SFCC teacher Michael Hill, and during Big Break every Wednesday.

This has enabled both teams to finish at the top of the SACCSS Division 2 Year 7 Premier League Volleyball Ladder and earned them a place in the semi-finals. Well done to both teams for all their hard work and persistence. Viviana Stangherlin, Girls Volleyball Coach


Congratulations to our football team who defeated CRC St Albans last week and will play in the SACCSS semi-finals this week.

Jessica Hodge and Sophie Cryan

Sports Assistants

Host Families for Visiting Italian Students

Two more families are needed to host students from our sister school, Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono in northern Italy, who will visit the College from 18 July to 17 August.

The students range in age from 15 to 17, speak English and will be here to experience school and life in Australia. Families will need to transport them to and from school as they would their children.

We are also keen to hear from families who could be a backup for host families during the students’ visit.

If you can assist or have any questions, please contact me at piannazzo@sfcc.vic.edu.au

Paul Iannazzo


Garma Festival

Students from both campuses are invited to express their interest in attending the 2025 Garma Festival.

The Garma Festival is Australia’s largest Indigenous gathering. It is a four-day celebration of Yolngu life and culture held in remote northeast Arnhem Land.

Hosted by the Yothu Yindi Foundation, Garma showcases traditional miny’tji (art), manikay (song), bunggul (dance) and story-telling and is an important meeting point for the clans and families of the region.

The festival’s over-riding cultural mission is to provide a contemporary environment for expressing and presenting traditional Yolngu knowledge systems and customs and to share these practices in an authentic Yolngu setting.

If you would like to attend the festival, please email our Project Officer – Indigenous Students Imra Banu at ibanu@sfcc.vic.edu.au.

Community Notices

Cultural Rhythms

Melbourne Victory Holiday Program

Huddle Holiday Program

Pasifika Kinder meeting

Goal Mentoring Program

Bounce Back Program

Useful Links

Keep updated with College events, procedures, resources and information via the links below.

PAM – Parent Portal


Parent Handbook

SFCC Careers Website






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