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Last week Faiths 4 Climate Justice events were organised by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change. It sent a message to Prime Minister Morrison that diverse faith communities want him to take a strong climate policy platform to the United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, which will run from October 31 to November 12.
Fr Robert Riedling, Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta, said while much is being made about net zero emissions by 2050, organisers are calling for targets by 2030.
“The Catholic Church has an evolved tradition of social justice. We know that those most affected by climate change tend to be the marginalised and disenfranchised, so we as a Church, along with other churches and other faith traditions, are hoping that we can highlight what needs to be done and demand that the Government takes action on this issue,” Fr Riedling said.
The Sisters of St Joseph also called for Australia to make a commitment to “put the protection of the planet at the forefront of its decisions”.
“How can we not take action? “ asked congregational leader Sr Monica Cavanagh in a media statement. “The IPCC findings warn of a catastrophic future if we don’t act. Our Pacific neighbours watch as their lands are disappearing. We know that it is those who are most defenseless who are most immediately affected by the devastation we are causing. Both our religious faith and the call to us as humans, propel us to do all we can to preserve the gift of creation.”
God of life,
you call us to be participants in the web and wellspring of life:
to be nurtured by the planet; to be nurturing of the planet; to cherish the world and all that lives.
But we have failed and creation groans under our weight.
God of grace,
forgive us in our brokenness: when we have taken too much from the earth; when we have not spoken out against greed and destruction; when we have allowed our most vulnerable neighbours to be harmed.
We seek courage and forgiveness to be made whole.
God of love,
we pray for those people, communities and nations already suffering the devastating effects of climate change; and we pray for the diversity of life on earth, so much of it already threatened by our actions.
God of hope,
we pray for the members of parliament who receive our petition. Bless them with wisdom and creativity, and a shared vision of hope for all creation.
May they find the determination to take strong action to halt the destructive effects of climate change, and the political will to act together for the common good.
Creator God, we pray for us all, that we might restore our relationships with each other and work together to heal the earth.
Renew us in your grace for the sake of your creation.
Director of Catholic Identity
How wonderful it was last Friday to welcome students back on-site. Despite the masks, you could see the joy on the faces of our students.
Compliance with mask-wearing has been outstanding, with the vast majority of students arriving with a mask worn correctly.
Our Wellbeing team has held education sessions to ensure students know the correct health and hygiene practices.
I would like to stress the importance of keeping students home if they are ill or show any COVID symptoms at all. I know that they have already missed large chunks of face-to-face learning. However, the safety of staff and students at the College is paramount and we need to do all we can to remain open.
I thank all parents who supported the College last week as we worked through the protocols for a positive COVID case. The Leadership team worked through Sunday (17 October) to inform families and followed up throughout the week. Despite the frustration of conflicting information, we all managed to navigate the incident.
Families are asked to contact the College office on 8099 6000 as soon as they receive a positive COVID test result for any of our students. If this occurs on the weekend, please email
This will allow the College to undertake swift contact tracing and complete appropriate cleaning. The Western Public Health Unit is currently behind in its ability to notify schools of a positive case. Working together with families will allow the school to maintain a safe environment for all of our students.
Below is useful information from the Australian Psychological Society with strategies to help both children and adults cope with stress or anxiety experienced due to the pandemic.
Tips for coping with COVID anxiety
The College is currently recruiting literacy and numeracy tutors to work one or two days during 2022. Any pre-service teachers or retired teachers are welcome to submit an Expression of Interest to
I wish all our VCE students the best of luck as they begin their final exams this week. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all.
Dates to remember | |
Wednesday 27 October | Year 8 and 9 students on-site for classes. Year 10 students DLM classes |
Parents and Friends Meeting (online) | |
Thursday 28 October | Year 10 students on-site for classes. Year 8 and 9 students DLM classes |
Friday 29 October | Year 10 students on-site for classes. Year 8 and 9 students DLM classes |
Monday 1 November | Student Free Day |
Tuesday 2 November | Melbourne Cup Day |
Wednesday 3 November | All students return to on-site classes |
As face-to-face teaching resumes, we understand there will be some families concerned about their child’s return to the classroom.
COVIDSafe practices such as regular hand hygiene, extra cleaning of rooms and open doors and windows to promote good ventilation are being used to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
The College follows Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) recommendations and advice to maintain a safe and positive learning environment. As students have been absent from direct teacher contact in class, this is even more important for their learning progress for the remainder of the year.
If students are in Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) directed isolation or quarantine, work will be available for them to continue with through Microsoft Teams. Please ensure you contact the College to inform us of this so teachers can ensure upcoming assessment tasks are completed either at a later date or online.
Students who have not returned to class, and do not fall into the above category, require a medical certificate to reschedule an assessment. If a medical certificate is not provided, assessment tasks will be identified as not submitted. Teachers are unable to provide online work in this case. Students can access any work on Teams, but it will be self-directed learning. We are unable to support both face-to-face and online learning.
Thank you for your support through the remaining weeks of the term. Students thrive in their learning by sharing ideas and collaborating on tasks. This is more achievable in our face-to-face learning environment.
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
The next Parents and Friends Association meeting will be held tomorrow, Wednesday 27 October, at 7pm via Teams.
A meeting link will be emailed tomorrow morning.
Director of Community Relations
The College canteen is open for breakfast, recess and lunch and pre-orders are strongly encouraged via the Ultimate Schools website. To set up an account visit and follow the prompts.
Pre-orders can also be submitted direct to the canteen by the end of recess.
Last Friday, students and staff returned to the classroom, a welcome relief after several months of lockdown and distance learning.
Year 7, 10 and 11 students were on-site and we asked them to tell us how they were feeling and what they were looking forward to.
Hannah – Year 7
How did it feel to put on your uniform this morning?
Putting my uniform on this morning made me realise how much I missed being at school with friends and teachers, and how good it is to be in a classroom instead of joining a meeting.
Ashok and Georgina - Year 10
Georgina - Year 10
What did you do to prepare for your return to school?
I made sure I was always up to date with my classes so I was ready when we were told to return. I had to try and go back to my normal sleeping routine because I need to wake up earlier to get ready and travel to school. I also had to check my uniform because it’s been a while since I’ve worn it. What I’m not looking forward to is plain sandwiches for lunch.
Ashok – Year 10
What were two things you missed most about learning in the classroom?
As we begin going back to school, I am looking forward to getting back into routine with all the classes. I am also looking forward to being able to work closely with my teachers and peers again.
Nicholas - Year 11
What are you most looking forward to about being back at school?
I get to see all my friends and can finally get back to a proper working environment, and I’m hoping that it stays that way. I’m also looking forward to working with the other student leaders to plan things we can implement in the school community.
Allan - Year 11
What are your hopes for the rest of this term?
I hope students and teachers can settle back into face-to-face learning and enjoy being back in a community environment. I also hope there won’t be sudden interruptions or year levels sent into isolation.
Our VCE 2021 Folio Exhibition is now live on our website and we invite all families to view it online.
This year has continued to present our students with many challenges. A great deal of the practical aspects of the student folios were completed at home without access to school equipment.
Distance learning has hit these students particularly hard as this is the second year lockdowns have disrupted their education, however they have shown a resilience that is beyond compare.
They have had to be far more resourceful and become much more independent, skills that are usually acquired at university or once in the workforce.
This year, our students relied on their families more than they usually would. I thank parents and guardians for supporting their child in their creative journey.
The work produced this year is everything I hoped it would be and, in some cases, more than I could have expected. Students commented on the positive aspects of studying from home, like being able to work on their folios without having to stop or pack up at the end of a lesson. They were able to spend many more hours after school being creative as they did not have other obligations to pull them away.
Creativity has been a winner during distance learning, and I encourage all our Year 12 students to pursue this into adulthood no matter what career path they choose to follow.
Congratulations to all our exhibiting students, you have done yourself, your teachers, and Catholic Regional College Melton proud. Good luck in your future endeavours.
Arts Domain Leader
Last term, 21 students from Year 7 – 10 took part in the 2021 Australian Geography Competition. It was the first time the event has been run online and I would like to thank our students for participating.
The results have been released and I would like to acknowledge the following students on their achievements:
Credit: Nicole Bertsias
High Distinction: Tra My Nguyen. Credit: Wialual Mialual
Credit: David Balia, Josiah Saquiton
A huge thank you to everyone who got involved – all students will receive a certificate to acknowledge their achievement once we return.
Year 10 Geography teacher
Parents and guardians have exclusive free access to Elevate Education’s Parent Webinar Series for Term 4, 2021.
Elevate works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you will learn how to support your children and reinforce the skills they learn at school.
The webinars take place across Term 4, including tomorrow, Wednesday 27 October at 7pm. Registration is essential and free for parents and guardians of CRC Melton.
Topics for Term 4 are:
Stress and Wellbeing – 27 October
Exam Preparation Part 1 – 10 November
Exam Room Skills – 24 November
You can register by clicking here.
The webinar will run online from 7pm to 8pm. Elevate’s presenters will share key research and skills and conduct a live question and answer session.
Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly, their details are listed below.
Elevate Education
Phone: 1300 667 945
Keep up to date with College events, procedures, resources and information via the links below.