Weekly Reflection

As we approach the 800th anniversary of the Greccio nativity scene, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of St Francis of Assisi, whose profound love for Christ sparked a cherished tradition that has transcended time and touched countless hearts—the tradition of Christmas cribs.

In the small Italian village of Greccio, St Francis recreated the scene of the Nativity, using a living tableau with animals, hay, and a humble crib. His intention was to invite the townspeople to contemplate the wonder of Christ's birth, to experience the simplicity and awe of that holy night in Bethlehem. This act marked the inception of a beautiful tradition that has since spread across the world, inviting believers to immerse themselves in the mystery of the Incarnation.

Just as St Francis sought to bring the joy and wonder of Christmas to the people of Greccio, the tradition of Christmas cribs continues to invite us to encounter the profound love of God made manifest in the vulnerability of a newborn child. It prompts us to reflect on the humility and simplicity of Christ's birth, inviting us to embrace these virtues in our own lives.

In setting up our cribs each year, we echo St Francis's desire to make tangible the miracle of God's love entering the world. It's not just about arranging figures; it's about creating a sacred space for reflection, prayer, and contemplation—a visual reminder of the profound event that changed the course of human history.

As we celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Greccio nativity scene, let us emulate St Francis's spirit of simplicity, humility, and boundless love for Christ. May our Christmas cribs not only adorn our homes but also serve as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the immense love that God bestowed upon us through the gift of His Son.

"In whatever place they happen to be, they should commemorate the nativity of the Lord in word and deed." St Francis of Assisi
Jonathan Antony

Acting Director of Faith and Mission

From the Acting Principal

St Francis of Assisi is credited with popularising the nativity scene with a live re-enactment at Greccio 800 years ago. In his 2019 Apostolic Letter Admirabile signum, Pope Francis reflects on Greccio in 1223, while considering the meaning and importance of the nativity scene.

Channelling the spirit of St Francis, the Pope reminds us,

“The nativity scene is like a living Gospel rising up from the pages of sacred Scripture. As we contemplate the Christmas story, we are invited to set out on a spiritual journey, drawn by the humility of the God who became human in order to encounter every man and woman. We come to realise that so great is his love for us that he became one of us, so that we in turn might become one with him.”

As we approach the Christmas season and Advent it is time for us to reflect and consider how we live out the social justice teachings of the Church in our lives and for this season. What is our Nativity scene?

As our students move through their journey here at St Francis Catholic College, they will study and learn about the Catholic Social Justice Teachings. And more than just words they will discover how this can be enacted by all of us within our Franciscan charism.

Bringing together our vision we are inspired to live out St Francis of Assisi’s challenges:

"To follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps" and to “Preach the Gospel at all times and where necessary use words”.

I encourage all members of our community to take time to reflect upon and enact this charism we hold close to our hearts. In doing so, we can make the world a better place.

WEC VET Cluster Awards

Congratulations to our Western Edge Cluster Vocational Education and Training (VET) students who received a number of awards at the ceremony held on Tuesday 21 November. It was a privilege to attend the event and to see the breadth of talent across all cluster schools. A shout out to our trainers and to VET Coordinator Nicole Fuller, for providing students with opportunities and pathways for the future.

Click here to read more about our award recipients.

Traffic safety at Melton Campus

With the changed traffic conditions on Bulmans Road outside the Melton Campus, please be aware of safety. Thank you to the students and families who have adjusted their drop-off and pick-up places. If you are dropping off students, it is imperative to follow all crossing supervisors and signage to prevent accidents and injuries. This is very important with the changes around the Sovereign Boulevard and Bulmans Road intersection.

Joanne Holmes

Acting Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

Last week, staff collected and analysed student ACER PAT data at Melton and Cobblebank campuses. This helps teachers and our Learning Diversity team prepare reports and plan lessons to ensure that learners at different starting points can receive the instruction they need to grow and succeed.

Jump Start has given students a taste of the knowledge and skills they will acquire in their 2024 subject areas. It has enabled teachers, Learning Support Officers (LSO) and English as an Additional Language (EAL) staff to form assess our students’ learning needs for the coming year.

Throughout last week, our 2024 VCE VM students completed micro courses such as Barista and First Aid training which they enjoyed. These courses are important as they assist our students in obtaining employment.

As we complete our final week of formal classes for students, there are a number of end-of-year celebrations planned. Both our Melton and Cobblebank campuses will attend Mass and recognise student achievement at their respective Junior Awards ceremonies.

I encourage all students to participate in and celebrate the completion of another academic year.

Faye Quinn

Acting Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

Looking Ahead - Melton Campus Students

Dates to remember
Thursday 30 NovemberEnd-of-year Mass - academic uniform required
Term 4 concludes for all current Year 10 and 11 students
Friday 1 DecemberJunior Awards Ceremony (all current Year 7-9 students) - academic uniform required
Term 4 concludes for all current Year 7-9 students at 1.15pm
Monday 4 December

Campus reception closed until 12.30pm

Tuesday 12 December 

College closed. Campus reception reopens Wednesday 13 December.

Friday 15 DecemberCampus reception closes for 2023
Thursday 18 January 2024Campus reception opens
Wednesday 31 January 2024Term 1 begins at 8.45am for Year 7 and Year 12 students
Thursday 1 February 2024Term 1 begins for Year 8-11 students

Looking Ahead - Cobblebank Campus Students

Dates to remember
Thursday 30 November Junior Awards Ceremony - academic uniform required
Friday 1 DecemberTerm 4 concludes at 12.45pm
Monday 4 DecemberCampus reception closed until 12pm
Tuesday 12 DecemberCollege closed. Campus reception reopens Wednesday 13 December
Friday 15 DecemberCampus reception closes for 2023
Thursday 18 January 2024Campus reception opens
Wednesday 31 January 2024Term 1 begins at 8.45am for Year 7 students only
Thursday 1 February 2024Term 1 begins at 8.45am for Year 8 students

Overdue Library Books

Library books are now well overdue and must be returned before the end of the term.

Students at Melton Campus must return their books to the library as soon as possible. If your child has lost the book they borrowed, they should visit the library and ask for Ms Brown.

Cobblebank Campus students can hand in their books to the office or Mentor teachers. If a book has been lost, please email bbrown@sfcc.com.au.

Students have received weekly emails informing them of overdue items. We would appreciate parents and guardians checking that their child does not have any items to return.

Belinda Brown

Teacher Librarian/Alexandria Resource Centre Manager

Year 8 Volleyball Champions

Congratulations to our Year 8 Boys' Volleyball team who won their SACCSS Premier League grand final against MacKillop College two sets to nil last Thursday.

The boys had a brilliant term and we are so proud of their efforts throughout the competition.

A big thank you to parents and guardians who cheered the team on during the match.

Claudia Alp

Director of Sport Cross-Campus

Western Edge Cluster Awards

The annual Western Edge Cluster VET Awards ceremony was held last Tuesday 21 November at Tabcorp Park.

A number of our students were acknowledged for excellence in their VET studies this year and it was a proud moment for the students, their families and the College, as they took to the stage to receive their awards.

We congratulate the following students on their tremendous commitment and effort to their VET studies in 2023.


Outstanding Award for Year 1 – Joseph Kensington

Community Services

Outstanding Award for Year 1 – Annelies Bastiaan

Early Childhood Education and Care

Most Improved Award for Year 1 – Charlyze Prosser

Engineering Studies

Endeavour Award for Year 1 – Jonas Cukavac

Health Services Assistance

Most Improved Award for Year 1 - Samantha D’Angelo

Endeavour Award for Year 2 - Alannah King

Most Improved Award for Year 2 - Hunter Farley

Outstanding Award for Year 2 - Topisitha Jokudu

Principal’s Award

Charlyze Prosser

A huge thanks to Ellie Bacchin for her assistance on the evening, to our passionate and dedicated VET trainers Bianca Mifsud, Margaret Rowe Watts and Rodney Brown, and to our Acting Principal Joanne Holmes for presenting the Principal’s Award.

Nikki Fuller

VET Coordinator

Cobblebank Campus End-of-Year Mass

Cobblebank Campus students and staff travelled to St Anthony’s Church in Melton South today to celebrate their end-of-year Mass.

Thank you to Fr Alex Clemente for leading us in prayer, the Cobblebank arm of our College Ensemble for their beautiful performance and all of our readers and altar servers.

Students were reverent throughout the Mass and it was a wonderful opportunity to give thanks for the year that was and pray for peace and a safe summer break for all in our College community.

Ensemble’s Christmas Carol Tour

Our College Ensemble put on fantastic performances last Friday as part of their annual Christmas Carol Tour.

Students from our Melton and Cobblebank campuses entertained enthusiastic audiences at St Anthony’s Primary School, Woodgrove Shopping Centre food court and Providence Aged Care in Bacchus Marsh.

The whirlwind tour spreads Christmas cheer and is a highlight on the ensemble’s performance calendar.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support our students - they will be back with a new repertoire in 2024!

Students and Staff Depart for Italy

Students and staff departed for Milan last Wednesday evening as part of the 2023 Italy Trip.

The group will visit Milan, Como, Verona, our sister school in Cividale del Friuli, Florence, Venice, Assisi and Rome, taking in the food, culture and history of Italy.

After much planning, all were very excited to finally be off. On departure, students wore their tour jumpers, designed by Year 11 student Emma.

As you will see from the photos below, the weather has been very kind so far!

Paul Iannazzo


Secondary Disciplinary Literacy Project

St Francis Catholic College has participated in the Secondary Disciplinary Literacy Project (SDLP) for the past two years, supported by the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).

The project aims to:

  • improve student literacy across all subject areas
  • equip Domain Leaders with specific skills for elevating the literacy practices in their subject
  • develop the skills of teachers to teach literacy in their subject area
  • provide a consistent approach to literacy teaching across the domains.

The College launched its SDLP to improve reading and writing skills across all year levels. Our priority was to enhance reading skills, and with MACS’ guidance, we implemented a project aimed at Year 8 students. In every subject area (domain), Year 8 students complete a reading task. Research shows that students learn literacy strategies more effectively when they are taught within the context of a specific subject and learning task.

At the start of Term 3 this year, our focus on writing began with a staff-wide professional development session led by Kirstin Bourne of Inform Education, who highlighted the importance of teaching different writing genres across the curriculum.

Our data shows that by repeatedly teaching the literacy strategies, students have become more confident in applying them to improve their reading and comprehension.

In 2024, we aim to continue the reading project and teach different writing strategies across all subjects.

Loretta Kalms

Middle Years Curriculum Leader

Giving Thanks

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) has launched a Christmas campaign focused on giving the biggest thanks possible to our amazing teachers.

To make the campaign more special, students have the chance to be part of it. MACS has created an online form at www.macsbiggestthanks.com, where students can write a message of thanks to the teacher who has helped them to flourish, whether by igniting their passion in a certain subject or by inspiring them to believe in themselves.

Not only will the messages of thanks be shared with teachers, but some of the students’ messages will appear on billboards around Melbourne and in future communications. Parents and guardians are required to provide consent in the online form to give students the chance to have their message used in this way.

The form will be open until this Friday 1 December.

Community Notices

Have your say on level crossing removals in Melton

Community consultation is now open for the Melton level crossing removal project.

Four level crossings at Coburns, Exford, Ferris and Hopkins roads are being removed to make Melton boom gate free in 2026. 

Feedback is being sought on:

  • How you move in Melton and what you love about the area to help shape the project’s concept designs.
  • Planning matters for Ferris Road and Hopkins Road, with planning approval for the project to proceed under Clause 52.03 – Level Crossing Removal Project of the Melton Planning Scheme.

To provide your feedback, or register to attend an information session next week visit the project's website at bigbuild.vic.gov.au

Consultation is open until Friday 22 December.

Western Bulldogs Youth Leadership Project

Have your say on the Western Freeway upgrade

Planning is underway for a potential upgrade of the Western Freeway between Melton and Caroline Springs to improve safety, freeway access and road capacity to help accommodate growing demand.

Options being explored to upgrade the Western Freeway between Harkness Road and Christies Road include:

  • additional road lanes ​
  • new interchanges and overpasses
  • upgrades to existing interchanges
  • upgrades to walking and cycling paths
  • traffic signal and street lighting improvements
  • public transport priority facilities.​

Have your say

Until Sunday 3 December 2023, feedback is being sought to help inform our planning and shape the development of project options.

Come and meet the Big Build Roads team

Drop in to have a chat to the project team, provide your feedback or ask a question about the potential upgrade. They will be in the local area at:

  • Woodgrove Shopping Centre on Thursday 23 November from 11am to 2pm
  • Woodlea Town Centre on Thursday 23 November from 4pm to 7pm
  • CS Square on Saturday 25 November from 9am to 12pm.

You are encouraged to visit bigbuild.vic.gov.au/roads-subscribe and sign up for email and SMS updates, so you can be kept informed of planning progresses.

Bounce Back Melton

Bounce Back Melton is held fortnightly at Western Bace, Cobblebank. 

The next workshops will take place on Friday 1 December, Friday 15 December, Friday 29 December (TBC), Friday 12 January and Friday 26 January.

Soup Van volunteers wanted

Useful Links

Keep updated with College events, procedures, resources and information via the links below.

PAM – Parent Portal


Parent Handbook

SFCC Careers Website






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