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Weekly Reflection

Our timely reflection and prayer today come from Bishop Mark Edwards, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne:

While the COVID-19 situation is concerning it is important to recognise that while this is a medical and a social event, it is also a spiritual event amidst which we can tend to the spiritual and pastoral needs of our people. One aspect of this is to pray with and for those who are suffering from COVID-19: as a result of being sick, by physical isolation, through anxiety, or in economic consequences. We also pray for those who have died and those who mourn them. As well, let us ask for success for our medical researchers and for wisdom for our governments.

Let us invoke the prayers of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St Patrick, St Joseph, St Roch, St Eugene de Mazenod and St Mary of the Cross Mackillop at this time.

Mary, our Mother who always hears when we pray to her,

St Patrick, our Archdiocesan patron, whose feast we celebrate this week,

St Joseph, patron of the dying and patron of the Church, whose feast we celebrate this week,

St Roch, patron against plagues,

St Eugene who was zealous in caring for those suffering during various plagues in his diocese,

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, born in our city and our own saint.

Shaun Coates

Director of Catholic Identity

From the Principal

In this Sunday's Gospel reading, we heard about Jesus stopping to talk with a Samaritan woman. The Samaritans and Jews did not generally mix. The Apostles on seeing the interaction wondered why Jesus was talking to this woman who was not only Samaritan but who had five husbands!

The interaction with Jesus resulted in the woman "putting her jar down" and rushing to tell others in the town that she had met the Messiah. In this Lenten period, what is it that we need to "put down"? Resentment, jealousy, prejudice, alcoholism, gambling? What is it that holds us back from experiencing the love of Christ?

As we prepare for Easter, in these unusual circumstances, let us remain vigilant in our preparations so that "if today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts".

Rite Journey

Last week I attended the second of two Rite Journey evenings. It was wonderful to see so many daughters and parents taking the time to talk about the things that really matter. Well done to our Year 9 team who arranged the evening.

Coronarvirus (COVID-19)

Our continued priority during the Coronavirus outbreak is the health and wellbeing of our students and staff. The advice of the Department of Health and Catholic Education Melbourne is closely monitored. The Leadership Team has developed a Risk Management Plan in three stages:

1. Pre-Significant Outbreak

2. High Levels of Infection

3. Post Outbreak

Please be assured that the College is well equipped to manage any school closures if this becomes necessary.

Practice drill

To ensure all students can connect via our online learning systems, the College will conduct a "drill" of a full school closure tomorrow (Wednesday 18 March). All students will need a working device and will attend the College as usual.

Teaching staff will conduct a "drill" to demonstrate to students what is required in the event of a whole school closure. Parents are asked to ensure that laptops and IPads are fully functional to ensure learning continues.

School attendance

As parents, you have an essential role to play in assisting the College to contain an outbreak.

  • If a child is unwell with flu-like symptoms, please keep them home from school. It is unnecessary to ask teachers for schoolwork for ill children. Please allow them to rest and recover and we look forward to welcoming them back when they are well.
  • Promote and explain the importance of good hygiene behaviours to your child.

There has been some question about whether it is safe for students to attend school. At this stage, students who are well are expected to attend school as usual.

The Chief Health Officer confirmed on Monday 16 March that preemptive school closures are not likely to be an effective public health intervention measure.

Considering that some estimations indicate the virus may not be contained for some months, it is not sustainable or practical to keep students who are well at home for fear of infection. The best teaching and learning occur with face to face teaching. While the College will provide alternatives in case of a school closure or required self-isolation, these options will never be as good as a classroom teacher.

Confirmed Coronavirus or self-isolation due to close contact with Coronavirus

If a student has a confirmed case of Coronavirus or has been in close contact with a confirmed case and is required to self-isolate, please contact the Year Level Coordinator who will arrange for online work to be sent from teachers.

Fake government letter

The College has been made aware that a fake government letter has been circulated to parents notifying them of the school's closure. This is not an official notification and should be ignored by parents. If a formal notice to close is received, I will notify parents immediately via CareMonkey.

Travel during the term break

Students who travel overseas during the upcoming holidays will now be required to self-isolate for 14 days upon return to Australia. Teaching staff will provide for a continuation of learning via SIMON and Teams.

This is a rapidly evolving space, with many first-time events. Attached below is information we have placed prominently around the College. It may also help you plan your response to the Coronavirus.

I encourage you to work closely with the College and please feel free to call if you need any further assistance.

Health-Flow-Chart.pdf (0.55Mb)

Marlene Jorgensen


From the Deputy Principal - Students

How to cope with stress related to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Our students like all students across the country are dealing with unique and somewhat stressful times with the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

Some schools have already announced closures and debate continues about a statewide closure of schools.

Headspace has published advice on how to cope with stress and anxiety related to the Coronavirus on its website. An excerpt is provided below. This information has been shared with students and gives you a good opportunity to speak with your children about their thoughts and concerns.

It can feel stressful and overwhelming during an event like the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and we can all be affected differently. You might feel overwhelmed by the information, conversations and the increased levels of stress in your community. It can be hard to know what information to trust especially in a situation where things are changing so quickly. It can be helpful to keep up to date but it’s also okay to switch off from the 24 hour media cycle if this is getting too much.

During this time some things in your life may be affected by attempts to contain the spread of the virus. You may have been looking forward to a gig or a trip that’s been cancelled. You may be affected by school or your workplace temporarily closing. Or you may have a loved one who is directly affected by the virus.

It’s important to find the right level or type of support for you. And keep in mind that the type of support you may need can change as time passes. For many people staying connected to family and friends/loved ones is important.

The following information outlines things that might be helpful to manage any changes to daily life as a result of containment measures for COVID-19.

If you start to notice that you are experiencing these things, it is important to remember that these are normal reactions to a not normal time. During this time, it is important as best as possible to keep engaged with the activities that support your wellbeing. You might need to get creative in how you continue to do them.

When should I get help?

If you ever feel unable to cope because of overwhelming or intense emotions, or if you have any thoughts of harming yourself, then ask for help immediately.

National 24/7 crisis services

Lifeline: 13 43 57 (13 HELP) or

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or

beyondblue: 1300 224 636 or

Additional youth support services

headspace: visit to find your nearest centre or call eheadspace on 1800 650 890

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 or


SANE Australia: 1800 187 263 or

Talk with a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, school counsellor or find out if there is a headspace centre near you.

Speak to your local doctor or General Practitioner (GP) and help make a plan for your recovery. Or you can search for a health service and GP on healthdirect.

To read more from headspace follow this link

Rob Blackley

Deputy Principal Students

From the Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching

We are embarking on very interesting times for learning and teaching as we grapple with the impact of Coronavirus.

Teaching staff are working to ensure students have access to the online platforms available in the College. These include SIMON Learning Areas and Microsoft Teams. Both platforms enable classwork to be provided and monitored so there is minimal disruption to student learning.

We ask parents to support this by discussing the importance of completing all classwork whether in a physical class space or a virtual one in the event of a school closure. Where Internet access is not available, hard copies of tasks will be provided.

The Executive Leadership Group has made a decision to cancel the upcoming Parent-Student-Teacher interviews (PSTIs) due to the size of the gathering. The interviews were scheduled to take place on Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 March, the last week of term.

Teachers will email parents with any concerns they have about a student, particularly if ‘requested’ or ‘urgent’ has been ticked on the mid-semester report. Reports will be realeased on Tuesday 17 March. If you have a concern following release of your child's report, please email the relevant subject teacher.

Joanne Holmes

Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

From the Deputy Principal - Staff

At this stage, the last day of Term 1 is Thursday 26 March. We will finish classes at the usual time of 3.20pm and bus services will operate as normal.

Term 2 will begin for all students on Tuesday14 April. This will be Day 2 of our timetable.

Bus timetables

Bacchus Marsh Coaches has provided the College with the most current bus timetables for your reference (see attachments below).

The information is currently correct but could be subject to change.

2020-Route-2106-Bacchus-Marsh-via-Underbank-Melton-bus-timetable.pdf (0.06Mb)

2020-Route-2104-Bacchus-Marsh-via-Hopetoun-Park-Melton-bus-timetable.pdf (0.07Mb)

2020-Route-2103-Bacchus-Marsh-via-Golf-Links-Melton-bus-timetable.pdf (0.12Mb)

2020-Route-2102-Bacchus-Marsh-via-Darley-Melton-bus-timetable.pdf (0.11Mb)

2020-Route-2100-Bacchus-March-via-Long-Forest-Rd-Melton-bus-timetable.pdf (0.05Mb)

John Christie

Deputy Principal Staff

Student mentors make a difference

A dedicated group of Year 11 students have been recognised for their work as mentors to Year 7 students from migrant backgrounds.

The students completed Year 10 in 2019 while also volunteering for the Sidekicks Mentoring Program run by the Refugee Migrant Child Centre (RMCC) at the College.

RMCC is a not-for-profit organisation that is committed to helping children and youth from refugee and migrant backgrounds to thrive in school and life.

The students spent two hours a week helping their Year 7 peers find their feet in their new school, as well as their new home. They provided educational, social and emotional support for the children through a wide range of activities.

Along the way, the students developed their leadership skills and made valuable connections to community and College networks.

Congratulations and thanks to Raheal Mengistu, Mariet Balebanga, Yenuli Dompeararchchi, Tayla Borg, Steve Teves, Aaron Cimera, Kartina Hartley, Gloria Halaka, Haley Spiteri and Kha Mi (Mel) On.

Simma Maniel

Student Engagement Officer

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day (8 March) the Social Justice team filmed staff and students answering questions related to this year’s theme of Each for Equal and asked them to strike the #EachforEqual pose. The short film will be shown at the final assembly of Term 1.

Here’s a preview of some of the responses from staff and students.

Who is a woman who has inspired you?

"My mum inspired me, she worked all her life to make sure that my brother and I had a good education and a good start." Marlene Jorgensen

"My mother of course, but I can't rant on forever about how great she is because I would be going on for an hour. Sarah J Mass, who is the author of the series Throne of Glass, (created) the character Celaena Sardothien (who) has really impacted my life and inspired me because she is willing to do anything for her friends and her family. That's just stuck (with) me and impacted my lifestyle." Ophelia Fernando (Year 9)

"It was always my mum who looked after me, my dad was always at work. She encouraged me to go to school, stay at school and do the best that I can and to go to university. No-one in my family had been to university before." Martin Attard

"A woman that inspires me would have to be my wife. She's done a lot of work on me and is inspirational to our family and a really strong independent woman who has changed the direction of my life." Jason Rowley

"The answer is going to be cliched because obviously it's my mum. My mum is my mother and my father and she has done everything for me and my four siblings." Wanwue Tarpeh (Year 10)

What is your message for women of the next generation?

"Don’t let anyone tell you that you can't do it because you're a girl. That's the message I consistently give to my daughter." Rob Blackley

"As Walt Disney said: Dare to dream. If you're really passionate about it you will get there." Claudia Russo

Whose role is it to fight for gender equality?

"I think everybody. I think we need everyone to pitch in." Martin Attard

"Both males and females, because it’s important to see both sides of the coin." Paul Llanes (College Captain)

Why are equal rights important to you?

"I don't believe we can have a just society if we don't have equal rights." Daniela Harrington

"I think that everyone, regardless of their gender should have the opportunity to fulfill their potential, really shine and contribute to society." Marlene Jorgensen

What does equality mean to you?

"Equality of outcome should not be the goal of social policy, rather we should be focusing on equality of opportunity. Unlike equality of outcome, equality of opportunity is supposed to be readily attainable without injustice." Clare Hume

"Equal means for me that everyone is treated equally. I have a lot of siblings at home and my mum always treats us equally." Charlie Boog (year 7)

Clare Hume

Social Justice Coordinator

World's Greatest Shave

Year 7 student Ronan Yacoub and teacher Stephen Orr shaved their heads last Friday to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation as part of the World’s Greatest Shave event.

A total of $266.50 was raised for Ronan’s cause as students and teachers paid to watch the pair shave their heads while others had their hair sprayed or glittered in their house colour by the Social Justice and Student Leadership teams.

House captains kept count of how many students coloured for a cure with Fitzgerald scoring 22 house points, Daffey 20 points, Reed 20 house points, Fitzgerald and Glasheen 16 points.

For more information or to donate please use the link below.

Clare Hume

Social Justice Coordinator

Year 9 Calling and Departure Ceremony

On Thursday night, we held our second Calling and Departure Ceremony for the young women in Year 9 as part of the rite of passage ceremonies that occur in Rite Journey.

The Rite Journey reinvents the traditional process of a Rite of Passage. It acknowledges an adolescent's transition from dependency to responsibility, from childhood to young adulthood. The ceremony is a symbol of this transformation.

Students were joined by parents, guardians or a significant adult in their lives at the ceremony. The adults wrote a letter to their child about how they valued them and the childhood mindsets and behaviours they would like them to let go of as they ventured into adulthood.

They also wrote about the adult mindsets and behaviours they would like to see them grow and develop.

Students responded with a gratitude letter to their significant adult, highlighting the many aspects of their relationship they are grateful for.

Once they exchanged these letters, they talked about what was written. This created an intimate atmosphere where adults and children were speaking freely to each other - there were lots of tears, laughter, conversation and hugs.

Students then wrote their childhood mindsets and behaviours on a piece of paper and their adult minsdets and behaviours onto a wooden leaf. Their Rite Journey teachers then called them by name to commence the ceremony. One by one, they were called to throw their old habits into a fire pit and then pinned their leaf to our “adult arch” walking through it into their new journey towards adulthood.

Each Rite Journey group and Rite Journey teacher had come up with their own way of embracing each other as they passed through the arch. This ranged from hugs to dance moves, to a variety of intricate handshakes.

It was a beautiful night that symbolised the journey the young women in Year 9 are going on this year

Lauren Hill

Year 9 Gadal Director

Rite Journey thanks

A very special thanks to all our parents, guardians and significant adults who joined us for the Rite Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony last week. Your support for the young women in your life, the College and the Rite Journey is very much appreciated.

Additionally, thank you to all the Gadal team and the female Rite Journey teachers for your involvement in the night, and for the mentoring journey you are embarking on with these young women.

Lauren Hill

Year 9 Gadal Director

Third win for Senior Girls Volleyball team

CRC Melton's Girls Senior Volleyball team came home champions last week with the school team scoring a third consecutive grand final win at the annual SACCSS tournament.

The girls were nervous going into the competition, feeling the pressure of wins by their predecessors for the last two years.

The tension showed in the first game, where uncharacteristic serving errors and poor communication resulted in a scrappy performance but at least a win. From there, the girls stepped up their game and were clinical in winning the next four games to advance to the finals.

The Semi Final was against St Monica’s, a consistently strong team. But the opposition were blown away right from the start by a powerful and dominant Melton team who produced a stunning display of team Volleyball to advance to the Grand Final against Marymede, a team with which Melton is establishing a very strong rivalry.

Both teams began a little cautiously, with Marymede notching up a handy lead halfway through the final. But from there, the consistency, power and teamwork of the Melton girls took over and they edged away to win a well-deserved third title in a row.

The clear difference between Melton and the other teams was the teamwork and game plan that the girls persisted with throughout. They shared the load and every player was trusted to make a valuable contribution.

The Girls Volleyball team members were Malia Amato, Chantal Bala, Alexandra Della-Rocca, Sarah Elander, Regina Laumata, Bagena Malua, Alyanna Manalili and Alla Rowley.

Congratulations to Bagena Malua who was named the Best Player of the Grand Final.

Michael Hill

Volleyball coach

Senior Boys Volleyball team win tournament

CRC Melton’s Boys Senior Volleyball team were undefeated in their SACCSS tournament last week against some very strong competition.

From game one to the grand finals our players were up against some talented teams, which made it an enjoyable day of competitive volleyball.

We felt the pressure stepping onto the court, particularly in the semi-finals and grand finals, but were reassured by the fact we could always trust and rely on our teammates. The boys played outstanding volleyball, demonstrating advanced skills and natural talent.

Our success could not have been achieved without the help of our coach Mr Dan Kelly. He was the glue that brought our team together, encouraging everyone and bringing out the best in all of us. We all thank him for being such a great coach.

Thanks also to all the schools that took part. We hope all the teams had as much fun as we did on the day. I was proud to be part of this team in my last year at CRC Melton and wish the boys the best of luck in the years to come.

The Boys Volleyball team members were Joel Grech, Xris Blakelock, Carlo Bonifacio, Lance Cacao, Sebastian Dingli, Cam Clayton, Jackson Giese, Paul Llanes, Jarryd Martin and Kai Tyrrell.

Paul Llanes

College Captain

Harmony Day

CRC Melton students Clara Thour and College Captain Chantal Bala represented the school at the City of Melton Harmony Day celebrations on Saturday.

The girls, who were joined by Clara's sister Gloria, performed a combined African and hip hop dance at the event, held at Willows Historical Park.

Parents and Friends

The next meeting of the College Parents and Friends Association will be held on Wednesday 25 March from 7pm in the conference room.

Deputy Principal of Learning and Teaching Joanne Holmes will provide parents with an overview of the new College Strategic Improvement Plan, the goals teachers are setting to meet students' learning needs and the work of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Steering Committee.

All families are welcome and encouraged to become involved. The meetings provide an opportunity to meet other families, hear about what is going on at the College and have a say in new initiatives.

Kerrie-Ann Matthews

Director of Community Relations

Italian tutorial sessions

Every Thursday at lunchtime, Italian tutorial and study sessions are available in B101 for students to practise their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

Often the school environment may be the only opportunity for students to speak in Italian so please remind your child of this opportunity provided at school. Students may also complete their homework and seek help with their assessment tasks and Education Perfect Italian online activities. Please email me if you have further queries.

Claudia Russo

Languages Domain Leader

Sacramental program

The College is exploring the possibility of offering sacramental preparation classes for any of its students yet to celebrate their Reconciliation, Holy Communion or Confirmation. It is likely the classes would be held after school, at lunchtime or a combination of both.

To gauge the interest in this program, which would be led in collaboration with Parish Priests, parents can email me at with the name of their child and the sacrament(s) they wish to prepare for. Expressions of interest should be submitted by Tuesday 24 March.

Shaun Coates

Director of Catholic Identity

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